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January 2022

Outpost24 Webinar - API security 101 and how to secure your web applications

APIs are a key part of modern web applications and a growing security challenge that isn’t well understood by developers and application security managers, leading to exposed APIs that give hackers access to sensitive data. Find out how to secure your APIs and prevent vulnerabilities from making it into production.

Tooling Overview for API Testing (SAST, DAST, IAST, Fuzzing)

Application Programming Interface (APIs), allow services to communicate with each other. Naturally, applications that are interconnected through many APIs, require thorough security testing, as each connection could potentially include software vulnerabilities. Since there are different methods to test these junctions, I want to briefly discuss the benefits and weaknesses of the most commonly used API testing methods in this article.

AlgoSec API Swagger

On premise and in the cloud, AlgoSec simplifies and automates network security policy management to make your enterprise more agile, more secure and more compliant – all the time. The AlgoSec platform provides a set of Swagger API documentation, available right from the platform itself. Swagger enables you to execute API request calls and access lists of requested parameters.