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January 2025

How to Install VMware Tools on Linux, Windows, MacOS, FreeBSD and Solaris

If you have ever deployed a VMware VM on VMware ESXi, VMware Workstation, VMware Player, or VMware Fusion, you’ve probably noticed that after installing a guest operating system (OS), you are asked to install VMware Tools. In this blog post, we cover what VMWare Tools is and the VMware Tools installation process on different operating systems including Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

Enhance IT Monitoring with NAKIVO: Alarms and Reporting Explained

Using IT monitoring in an organization’s infrastructure can improve its reliability and help prevent serious issues, failures, and downtimes. There are different approaches to implementing IT monitoring, by either using dedicated tools or native functionality. With either approach, you can view the monitoring data when needed or configure automatic alerts and reports to be notified of important events. This blog post explains how to enhance the IT monitoring strategy by using alarms and reports.