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July 2023

Immutable vs. Mutable Backups: Does it Really Matter?

As the fight against ransomware continues, the value of data cannot be understated. Considering what a breach could cost and how long it would take to rectify, it’s no wonder risk mitigation and response is at the forefront of every IT leader’s mind. When discussing data storage, data permanence is often discussed as a way to retain information indefinitely. But when it comes to the threat of ransomware, does the immutability of your backups play such an important role?

Anatomy of Ransomware Attack: Preventing Attacks on Your Backup Infrastructure

Featuring industry experts, CTOs Danny Allan from Veeam, Sagi Brody from Opti9, and cybersecurity expert Guy Mizrahi, CEO of CyPROS. Gain invaluable insights into the ever-evolving world of ransomware attacks and learn how you can fortify your Veeam installations with the cutting-edge AI-powered anomaly detection tool, Observr.

Why You Should Run Your Windows Workloads on AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) supports IT departments looking to provide excellent and reliable service to their companies at the lowest cost. One way it does this is by making it possible to run your company’s Windows workloads AWS. Why might you consider transitioning your Windows workloads to AWS? There are many reasons to modernize applications with an AWS data base. Here are a few…

Guide to Cyberattack Risk: Mitigation and Response

Ransomware and cyberattacks are on the rise, and that’s a deeply concerning thought for technology leaders. Considering what a breach could cost, and how long it would take to rectify, it’s no wonder risk mitigation and response is at the forefront of every CTO’s mind. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that blocks access to a computer system or encrypts files until a ransom is paid. It’s often spread through phishing emails or infected websites.

Concerned About Sensitive Data Loss? Opti9 to the Rescue

A strong misconception abounds that managed providers are impervious to data loss. The truth, however, is that accidents can happen at any time, to any business. Finding a provider that takes data backup and protection seriously, therefore, is critical to the well-being of your business. Opti9—a leading provider of managed cloud solutions—is one company that is addressing this problem head-on.