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July 2023

Why You Should Consider Enhanced Email Solutions as Part of Your Security Stack

It’s late Friday evening and Tom (your average everyday employee) has worked diligently to meet project deadlines and follow up with customers before his much-anticipated weeklong vacation. Exhausted from burning the midnight oil and juggling multiple tasks, he’s eager to wrap up his work and enjoy a well-deserved break. As Tom completes his last remaining task, he is greeted with one final email before signing off for the week.

By the Numbers: Cloud Security Stats Are In, and They're Not Pretty

With digital transformation having taken a front seat over the past 3 years due to a global shift in how people do business, cloud reliance and breaches have skyrocketed. According to G2, half of all organizations are currently cloud native or cloud enabled. It’s not just a matter of accomplishing work, either – it’s storage for vital digital assets.

Introducing the Argo Security Management Platform

At CISO Global, we’ve been using a platform with clients for several years to help them manage their security programs. So, maybe “introducing” isn’t really the right word. Built out of our own need for something we couldn’t find on the market, Argo Security Management helps security program managers do what they do every day, only better and faster.