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October 2023

Unlocking Compliance: Quebec's Law 25 and Data Privacy

In today’s data-driven world, privacy and data protection are paramount. One of the most significant developments in data privacy is Quebec’s Law 25, also known as Bill 64, which was officially adopted on September 22, 2021. This landmark legislation represents a significant step in modernizing Canada’s privacy landscape and introduces several key provisions that businesses must be prepared to address.

Law 25 (Quebec's Bill 64) FAQs on Data Privacy

Quebec’s Law 25, also known as Bill 64, is a comprehensive data privacy law that introduces stringent requirements for organizations handling personal information. Non-compliance can have, and likely will have severe consequences for businesses, resulting in costly fines and reputation loss, which impact businesses greatly. Protegrity’s pseudonymization solutions can help organizations simplify Law 25 compliance and avoid fines.