Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2023

Collaboration: The Key Ingredient to Successful Security Compliance

In the fast-paced world of software development, the clash between developers and security experts could greatly benefit from some much-needed balance. On one side, developers strive for success based on metrics like delivery time, deployment frequency, and number of features. On the other side, security professionals are measured on vulnerability and compliance metrics.

Why Log4j Wasn't the Developers' Fault: Understanding the Challenges of Modern Developers

In today’s fast-paced digital world, software developers face many challenges as they work tirelessly to create and maintain applications that power our daily lives. The recent Log4Shell vulnerability, which exposed a critical flaw in the widely used Log4j library, has drawn widespread attention and criticism.

To the Left, To the Left

Shifting left, reminiscent of Beyoncė’s famous song, Irreplaceable, is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in how we approach software development and security. Historically, security has often been an afterthought — a box to check once the software’s built. However, this reactive approach has proven inadequate in today’s cybersecurity landscape.

Shift Left: A One-of-a-Kind Developer Community in the Cybersecurity Space

To foster a culture of data protection that enhances global enterprises through secure application development, Protegrity developed the Shift Left Developer community. Our community recognizes the discrepancies and challenges data teams face when it comes to implementing solutions – both technologically and professionally – and offers the resources, guides, and cross-collaboration from teams around the world to help develop effective and efficient approaches to integration processes.