Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2024

Security Flaws within ChatGPT Ecosystem Allowed Access to Accounts On Third-Party Websites and Sensitive Data

Salt Labs researchers identified generative AI ecosystems as a new interesting attack vector. vulnerabilities found during this research on ChatGPT ecosystem could have granted access to accounts of users, including GitHub repositories, including 0-click attacks.

Salt Security, API Posture Governance, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

Securing organizations against today’s most advanced threats continues to be challenging, with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)playing an increasingly central and vulnerable role, especially as digital transformation marches on. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 (CSF) release underscores the urgency of addressing evolving threats and now emphasizes the importance of governance in Cybersecurity.

Introducing the Salt Developer Portal: Unleash the Power of Automating API Security

AppSec leaders and security practitioners, rejoice! Automating your security practices using Salt Platform APIs is now easier than ever, empowering developers to integrate APIs quickly and efficiently while helping reduce risk. The newly launched Salt Developer Portal is your one-stop hub for all API security automation needs.