Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2023

Introducing Fireblocks Compliance Solutions Suite + Notabene Travel Rule Integration

Today, Fireblocks is launching our new Fireblocks Compliance Solutions Suite to streamline and simplify how our customers meet digital asset regulatory requirements, and stay ahead of industry threats. The new suite enables Fireblocks customers to easily integrate transaction monitoring, wallet screening, and Travel Rule compliance into their existing transaction and compliance workflows and approvals.

Fireblocks launches support for Avalanche Spruce Subnet

Fireblocks has launched support for Avalanche’s subnet, Spruce, an EVM-based testnet built for institutional blockchain deployments. Spruce is intended to be used by buy and sell-side institutions looking to experiment with blockchain infrastructure in a low-risk environment. Institutional participants have already begun onboarding onto the testnet, and will be using it to evaluate the advantages of executing and settling trades on-chain for different assets and applications.