Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

32 Cybersecurity and IT Management Professionals Share Their Favorite CISO Interview Questions

The role of the CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) is one of the most important in any organization, and finding the right professional for the job is vital. The CISO leads the company’s information security strategy and bears the ultimate responsibility for the company’s security posture and how effectively it protects its information systems.

27 Cybersecurity Professionals and Business & Technology Leaders Reveal the Most Important Cyber Risk Trends Companies Need To Look Out for

Cyber risk trends are constantly evolving, driven by the pace of technological advancements that streamline business processes yet can introduce vulnerabilities in your company’s attack surface. With increased use of SaaS, cloud solutions, APIs, and third-party services, companies have many exposed and connected internet-facing assets that they’re unaware of, providing an open door for attackers to exploit.

IONIX Wins Two 2023 Silver Globee Awards

IONIX has won two prestigious 2023 Globee® Awards, which include a Silver in the 3rd Annual Globee® Information Technology (IT) Awards for Best Attack Surface Management Product and a Silver in the 3rd Annual Globee® Disruptor Award for Cyber Security Software. These awards come on the heels of a Gold 2023 Globee® Cybersecurity Award for Best Security Software.