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June 2024

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Balancing Large Language Model Adoption With Robust API Security

The popularity of Large Language Models (LLMs) has prompted an unprecedented wave of interest and experimentation in AI and machine learning solutions. Far from simply using popular LLMs for sporadic background research and writing assistance, LLMs have now matured to the degree where particular solutions are being used within specific workflows to solve genuine business problems. Industries such as retail, education, technology, and manufacturing are using LLMs to create innovative business solutions, delivering the required tools to automate complex processes, enhance customer experiences, and obtain actionable insights from large datasets.
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The Importance of Robust API Security in Insurance

When an incident occurs, from an unfortunate car accident to damaged business equipment, policyholders rely on mobile applications and online portals that collect information, open claims, and process them through automated workflows. Behind the scenes, an insurer's APIs handle what amounts to a policyholder's life story in data.