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September 2023

API Security Trends 2023 - Have organizations improved their security posture?

APIs, also known as application programming interfaces, serve as the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different systems and platforms. They provide developers with an interface to interact with external services, allowing them to integrate various functionalities into their own applications.

Noname Security and Intel Trust Authority: Building Trust Through Confidential Computing

Intel’s Trust Authority is a new service that provides remote verification of the trustworthiness of a compute asset, based on attestation (cryptographic verification) and policy (a legitimate workload). This is a significant development for confidential computing, as it provides a way for organizations to independently verify the security of their workloads. Noname Security is excited to be a partner in the Intel Trust Authority program.

Finding API Flaws Before Production

API flaws can cause several problems that can have negative consequences in production. These issues can range from security vulnerabilities, poor performance, and functionality errors. But most importantly, API flaws can lead to data breaches, system downtime, and damage to your company’s reputation. Therefore, it’s essential to thoroughly test and monitor APIs to detect and fix any flaws before they cause significant harm.