Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2023

Secure Coding Best Practices & WAAP for Application Hardening (Sanjay - Executive Director, MSCI)

Overview: In this podcast, Sanjay (Executive Director, MSCI) talks to Venky about secure coding best practices & methods to handle customer-sensitive data. He also shares why securing software isn't an accident and requires cautious efforts at an organizational level to make it possible.

API7:2019 Security Misconfiguration: The What, Sample Exploits, and Prevention Methods

Security misconfigurations are very common security risks, not just in web applications but also in APIs. They have been consistently part of the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities. They were part of the original OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks published in 2019 and have now made it to the updated 2023 list. Security misconfiguration maintains its 7th rank in OWASP Top 10 API 2023RC owing to its widespread prevalence, easy exploitability, and easy detectability.

What Is Cyber Security Audit and How Is It Helpful for Your Business?

When was the last time you performed your cybersecurity audit? An audit of complete cybersecurity management, not a simple scan. If it has been longer than you remember, then you are probably at risk of being a victim of cyberattacks. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the risk of cyberattacks escalates. To safeguard against these threats, it is essential to have a robust cybersecurity management system in place.

Webinar - Zero-Day, DDoS, Bot & API Attack Trends

We analyzed 1 billion+ #zeroday, #DDoS, #API, and #bot attacks on 1400+ applications blocked in Q1 2023. And it's a 30% bump over Q4 2022! In this webinar, Vivekanand Gopalan, VP of Product Management, unfolds the findings after analyzing these attacks and gives actionable tips to protect businesses from emerging threats.

API Security: Authorization, Rate Limiting, and Twelve Ways to Protect APIs

41% of organizations suffered an API security incident, where a majority (63%) were data breaches. This is despite 90% of them using authentication policies in place, according to a survey by 451 Research. No surprises there, as authentication is just one piece of the API security puzzle. In this blog, we’ll cover the 12 methods that technology leaders need to incorporate to secure and protect APIs.

API5:2019 Broken Function Level Authorization: The What, Impact, Sample Exploit, and Prevention Methods

APIs are great for accessing specific functions and features, but what happens when they allow unauthorized access? Imagine a social media platform where users can share posts. To enable users to access posts, the platform provides an API that allows GET requests to retrieve posts by specifying the user ID and post ID. GET/api/v2.1/user/1438/posts?id=40. The API will return the 40th post for user id 1438. As these are public forums, any user can submit GET requests to access posts.

API Security for Fintech SaaS | Getting the Most Out of a WAF | Val (Co-Founder & CTO, FISPAN)

In this podcast, Val Novikov (Co-Founder & CTO, FISPAN) talks to Venky about the API security challenges while integrating with proprietary Banking applications and ERP systems. He also discusses why Fintech SaaS start-ups require a deep investment of time, resources, and money in cyber Security right from day zero of the product development. Here are some of the key highlights from the discussion .

The Role of WAAP Platforms in the CI/CD Pipeline

Most SaaS engineering teams use the CI/CD pipeline for software development. Since a CI/CD approach enables faster, more collaborative, and more efficient development processes, leading to higher-quality software. No wonder that this is popular. More frequent release cycles mean more opportunities for vulnerabilities to creep into the code. While DevOps teams are central to running a CI/CD pipeline, since application security is gaining importance, more engineering teams are adding DevSecOps teams.

How Does a WAF Work?

WAF ( Web Application Firewall) is the first line of defense between the app and the internet traffic. It monitors and filters internet traffic to stop bad traffic and malicious requests. The WAF is a crucial security solution that ensures the availability and integrity of web services. It functions as a reverse proxy by serving as an intermediary that safeguards the web app server against malicious clients.

API3:2019 Excessive Data Exposure: Understanding the Risks, Impacts, and How to Prevent It

Excessive data exposure occurs when APIs reveal more fields, data, and information than the client requires through the API response. Excessive data exposure flaws expose all object properties to API calls rather than what the user needs to act on without considering the object’s sensitivity level. This vulnerability exposes you to data leaks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and other cyber threats. That is why excessive data exposure in APIs is listed as #3 in the OWASP API Security Top 10 2019.