Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2021

5 priorities for CISOs to regain much needed balance in 2022

Here’s what security leaders need to do in the face of rising stress levels and cyberattacks Nearly 9 out of 10 CISOs say their existing systems secured their enterprise through a shift to remote work, an ongoing labor shortage, and a huge spike in cybersecurity attacks. But that success came with a price: 64% say they’re more stressed out than they were a year ago. How can CISOs navigate a new set of challenges in 2022, while also regaining some much needed balance?

Elastic on Elastic Series: Data collected to the Infosec SIEM

The Elastic Infosec Detections and Analytics team is responsible for building, tuning, and maintaining the security detections used to protect all Elastic systems. Within Elastic we call ourselves Customer Zero and we strive to always use the newest versions of our products.