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April 2021

MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Round 3: Carbanak + FIN7 vs. the free and open capabilities in Elastic Security

Whether this is the third time you are looking at the MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK® evaluation results or your first, you may be asking yourself: what was unique about this year’s evaluation? Well, let’s first start with: who is MITRE Engenuity? They are a tech foundation that collaborates with the private sector on many initiatives — most notably cybersecurity — and in recent years have become synonymous with cyber threat evaluations.

How attackers abuse Access Token Manipulation (ATT&CK T1134)

In our previous blog post on Windows access tokens for security practitioners, we covered: Having covered some of the key concepts in Windows security, we will now build on this knowledge and start to look at how attackers can abuse legitimate Windows functionality to move laterally and compromise Active Directory domains. This blog has deliberately attempted to abstract away the workings of specific Windows network authentication protocols (e.g., NTLM and Kerberos) where possible.