Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2019

Major Incident Management Process

As cybersecurity measures are improving day by day, threat actors are also being sophisticated and creating high profile attacks to evade modern defense systems. These attacks result in generating major incidents, which are the highest-urgency and highest-impact incidents that can affect too many individuals or/and companies at the same time depriving critical data or hampering critical business operations.

Cyber Threat Intelligence Framework

Undoubtedly, today’s cyber threats are very fast and sophisticated. Even their detection and prevention is no longer an easy task. To prevent organizations from being a victim of cyber threats and attacks, a proactive cybersecurity approach must be used. That is the reason the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) framework comes into place. CTI has become a critical tool for organizations trying to protect their networks and infrastructure.

Vulnerability Management Life Cycle

As one of the most important practices of cyber security, vulnerability management is not a one step process. It must keep evolving in accordance with your network’s growth. That is why we will take a closer look at vulnerability management lifecycle in this article. Vulnerability management is one of the pillars of cyber security. It helps your organization to have a stronger cyber security and allows your security team to better handle with potential attacks.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Programming Languages for DevOps

In the past year, adoption of DevOps has increased by nearly 10 percent. Most business owners realize that in order to bring together the marketing and IT side of their business together during the development of new software or web-based apps, they have to use the DevOps and Agile methodologies.