Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2019

How to Secure Kubernetes Using Cloud SIEM?

Kubernetes, commonly called K8s, is an open-source container management system developed by Google. Containers and tools like Kubernetes enable automation of many aspects of application deployment, which provides tremendous benefits to businesses. K8s is just as vulnerable to attacks and cybercrime as traditional environments, in both public and private clouds. In this blog post, we’ve compiled everything you need to know to make sure your Kubernetes environment is safe. Here is what we tackle.

Serverless Computing Security Tips

Serverless computing is becoming more popular as organizations look for new ways to deploy their applications in the cloud. With higher levels of abstraction, easier maintenance, a focus on high performance, and ephemeral workloads, serverless computing solutions like Lambda are finding a permanent place in the mix of cloud infrastructure options.

The 4 Pillars of DevSecOps Observability

As modern development teams continue to own more of the full lifecycle of microservices, it is time to add a new pillar to the 3 pillars of Observability -Security. Learn how, with an integrated analytics platform approach, you can combine log, metrics, and traces with security events to provide true, meaningful DevSecOps visibility. We will cover how it is possible to bring both a DevOps and a SecOps perspective together and enable your team to move faster, and more confidently, forward.