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November 2020

Malware reverse engineering - All you need to know

Among all threats, the one that keeps organizations on their toes is malware. When a system is discovered being infected with malware, organizations want to know how it must have impacted the system, if the threat is ongoing and what data would they have lost to malware. While these are indeed tough questions, reverse engineering helps them tide over these challenges and gives them the edge to take action well in time.

Sporact - A case management tool for CISOs

Organizations with understaffed security operations team and small budgets often find themselves struggling with ways to mitigate cyberattacks. The challenge is even greater since cyberattacks come at machine speeds and are often made using novel, ingenious methods. Such organizations can now seek respite from SOAR - Security Orchestration, Automation and Response.

Questions to Ask Before Investing in a SOAR Platform

The state of enterprise cybersecurity is becoming increasingly complex, thanks to the growing number of malicious threats. According to Gartner, a burst of varied security alarms are terrorizing the cyber landscape. However, there are very few efficient people or processes to help organizations deal with them. In 2017, the research company came up with an innovative and powerful approach to address and deter catastrophic cyber threats to enterprises - SOAR!

How to Test Your Incident Response Plan: Everything You Need to Know

Cyber threats are constantly evolving. All systems, people and processes around us are unceasingly dependant on technology. Even the most sophisticated cyber defense frameworks that seem virtually impenetrable can be breached by unauthorized intrusions. This escalates the need to formulate a steadfast incident response plan and conduct regular tests to assess its capabilities.

Malware Sandboxing 101: The Ultimate Guide

The enterprise security architecture is under constant threat, thanks to the persistent sophistication of evasive malware that has the potential to cripple the cybersecurity framework of businesses. Even the most superior commercial malware analysis tools often fail to recognize and analyze unforeseen intrusions. The reason? - Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Zero-day exploits - malware analysis tools | Anlyz

Did you know that information and sensitive data loss accounts for 43% of the recovery costs after a cyber attack has taken place? According to Cybercrime Magazine, the cybercrime landscape is quickly becoming more profitable than the illegal drug trade! Indeed, data is the new fuel. As per estimates, it is known that enterprises take almost six months to realize that there has been a data breach.

Types of malware analysis procedures | Anlyz

Did you know that 4.1 billion sensitive records were exposed in the first half of 2019 due to data breaches? Poor cybersecurity practices and the lack of awareness about the growing sophistication of threat elements are still the primary reasons for malware intrusions into enterprise systems. Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly efficient in packaging the malicious entities in forms that do not raise suspicion - for instance, an MS Word file or an email attachment.

Case Management - SOAR cybersecurity pitfalls to avoid | Anlyz

Gartner predicts that by the end of 2020, 15% of organizations with a security team of more than five security professionals will leverage SOAR. This is primarily because Security Orchestration Automation and Response has transformed cybersecurity case management at enterprises by addressing alert overload and bringing together disparate security systems seamlessly.

Building incident response plan - SOAR cybersecurity | Anlyz

Cybersecurity breaches are at a record high and the trends indicate that the situation is nowhere close to dying out. The past year has seen a surge of attacks on global business giants narrating their experiences and spelling out that expensive resources and tools are not enough to defend an organization from security threats. (Bold, Italics) So, what is it that businesses need to do to ensure that their security system is immune to attacks?

Signs Your Organisation is at Risk of a Ransomware Attack | Anlyz

According to Cybersecurity Ventures, a new organisation is going to be vulnerable to a ransomware attack every 11 seconds by 2021. Behind these rising numbers of ransomware threats are cybercriminals who are increasingly pushing these malicious file-encrypting elements into enterprise systems and networks.

The relevance of Cloud SIEM in 2020 | Anlyz

In the cybersecurity landscape, security analysts are not only fighting malware and cybercriminals on a daily basis but also dealing with large volumes of data overflow from their own networks. In this regard, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) has been a welcome cybersecurity tool for real-time tracking and investigating security events and log data.

Cybersecurity risks at the time of coronavirus pandemic | Anlyz

Uncertain times have befallen the world right now, with netizens claiming that the present reality is straight out of an apocalypse movie. The coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc on the business community, slowing down growth and contributing to economic losses. While social distancing is the only known way to address the growing threat of this deadly disease, it has opened up new challenges related to remote work.

Incident response tabletop lessons - SOAR solutions | Anlyz

To build an exceptional security posture, organizations cannot just implement a case management platform and let it rust. With the evolving threat landscape, security tools and systems need to be checked periodically to test their relevance and to bring the employees up to speed with its functionalities. When a disaster hits, people and processes should be ready to tackle the threat head-on. This makes planning and testing the plan a key element towards the right incident response strategy.

How can SOAR cybersecurity help fight Phishing | Anlyz

In the cybersecurity domain, phishing is not a new matter of concern. In our previous blog posts, we have talked about the rising sophistication of modern threat elements. But the nature of data breaches and malware infections due to phishing has remained the same since the time cybercrime gained momentum. This loosely translates to the fact that there has been a lack of efficient phishing mitigation tools in the disposal of enterprise security teams.

Combating mega data breaches with SOAR cybersecurity in 2020 | Anlyz

According to a study conducted by IBM, the cost of a data breach has increased 12% over the last 5 years. The estimated cost globally is $3.92 million on average. The predictions are even more concerning for small and medium-sized businesses with employees less than 500. For such companies whose average annual revenue does not cross $50 million, losses of $2.5 million on an average can be potentially crippling.

Best Practices of How to Implement SIEM Software | Anlyz

In our previous articles, we have discussed the importance and need for SIEM security software in the landscape of enterprise cybersecurity. SIEM tools have proven to play a significant role in providing real-time analysis of advanced security alerts, log and event data generated by systems and hardware in the company’s IT infrastructure.

How SIEM tools are going to be the future of threat detection

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) in the cybersecurity domain started out as a compliance tool but has now evolved into an advanced threat detection platform for organisations. During the development journey of SIEM tools, there was a brief period when it was considered that SIEM is ‘dead’ but it was not because of the absence of the need for it but because SIEM's fundamental capabilities needed an upgrade.

What is Zero Trust Security and how can you enforce it?

Zero Trust Security, an alternative architecture for IT security was first introduced by Forrester and was rooted in the principle of 'never trust, always verify'. Zero trust security has come a long way since then. My message for companies that think they haven't been attacked is: You are not looking hard enough." James Snook Each enterprise and individual is at risk today given our huge dependency on the Internet.

3 signs it's time to relook your approach to security operations

Security operations centers monitor and analyze activities on networks, servers, databases, applications, websites, and other systems, looking for anomalous activity that could be indicative of a security incident or compromise. Alert fatigue is a growing concern among information security professionals. If statistics are to be believed, over 79% agree about its negative effects on their teams.