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June 2024

Microsoft 365 Email Continuity Service - Is it Needed?

Microsoft 365 has experienced several notable outages recently. In January 2023, a major outage lasted over five hours, affecting various services, including Exchange Online. This incident was attributed to a network configuration issue during a planned update (Practical 365). Another significant outage occurred in June 2023, impacting services like Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive for several hours due to a network issue (WinBuzzer).

HIPAA Email Security: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations

This article is a must-read guide on email security in healthcare. It analyzes the regulatory complexities of HIPAA, outlines practical strategies for secure communications, and sheds insights into why your healthcare organization may need to take action. By the end of reading this guide, you’ll be able to make informed choices regarding your email practices.

Business email archiving: Compliance and accessibility

This is why email compliance and archiving solutions are pivotal for shielding your electronic correspondence and ensuring it’s safely stored, retrievable, and compliant with industry regulations. The adoption of such solutions is indispensable for both private and public companies that generate large data volumes, which require extensive storage and reliable backup options for the reasons we’ll explain below.