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May 2023

What is Exposure Management in Cybersecurity?

Exposure management in cybersecurity is a set of processes that helps organizations view their entire attack surface and understand which areas in their IT infrastructure are most exposed to cyber threats. Organizations can then take the necessary steps to reduce their cyber risk exposure through risk mitigation and risk remediation steps. Exposure management goes hand in hand with attack surface management (ASM) and threat and vulnerability intelligence.

What is Cyber Risk Governance?

Cyber risk governance (also called cyber risk governance or governance, risk, and compliance — GRC) and cyber risk management are often used interchangeably, but they are actually very different parts of the way an organization achieves data protection. While cybersecurity risk management focuses on implementing cybersecurity controls, cyber risk governance is more concerned with the strategy behind that implementation.

The Cybersecurity Risks of Unmanaged Internet-facing Assets

Because unmanaged assets are not continuously monitored for security risks, they likely contain cybersecurity exposures, like software vulnerabilities and cloud security misconfigurations. When these assets are connected to the internet, they become active attack vectors heightening your risk of suffering a data breach. If you’re looking for ideas for reducing your organization’s attack surface, start by locating and decommissioning unmanaged internet-facing assets.

18 Attack Surface Reduction Examples for Improved Cybersecurity

A large attack surface poses significant security risks for organizations. It provides hackers with numerous opportunities to access your sensitive data. The process of attack surface reduction involves reducing all possible entry points to your sensitive resources. This is a fundamental cybersecurity practice that's critical for data breach mitigation.

Free PCI DSS Vendor Questionnaire Template (2023 Edition)

PCI DSS compliance is mandatory for all entities processing cardholder data, including your third-party vendors. Security reports provide a window into a vendor’s information security program, uncovering their security controls strategy and its alignment with regulations like the PCI DSS. The following template will give you a high-level understanding of each vendor’s degree of compliance with PCI DSS and uncover potential compliance gaps requiring deeper investigation.

The Impact of Cybercrime on the Economy

IBM’s former executive chairman and CEO, Ginni Rometty — who created a 6000-strong Security Business Unit at IBM to counter cybercrime in 2015 — described data as a game-changing source of competitive advantage for the 21st century. Rometty noted that cybercrime is and should be the biggest threat to every industry and organization.

How Cybersecurity Affects the Insurance Industry

Insurance companies are among the businesses more reliant than ever on technology and information systems for daily processes. Insurance technology, or insurtech, improves the efficiency of the insurance industry but can also increase attack surfaces, making the data insurers collect more vulnerable to theft.

The Role of Cybersecurity in Protecting E-Commerce Companies

‍Cybersecurity is essential to protect e-commerce websites from scams, hackers, and other cybersecurity threats. Whether it’s a small business or an enterprise-level operation, all business owners need to ensure their enterprises use sufficient security measures to prevent data breaches and can respond effectively to a successful security breach. While e-commerce businesses face significant inherent risks, best cybersecurity practices can mitigate and remediate many security issues.

Cybersecurity in the Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing companies currently exist in a period of rapid change deemed the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Driven by technological innovation, this era represents unparalleled productivity and potential that includes not only multi-million dollar international industry leaders but also small and medium-sized businesses. This is because many implicated technologies do not require a significant financial investment.

Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions for the Retail Sector

The retail sector continues to grow rapidly, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic, as more and more people shop online. The convenience and ease of use through a transition to online shopping are aimed at providing robust customer experiences and meeting customer demands. However, a complete digital transition also means that retail businesses are increasing their attack surfaces — the paths, methods, and vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can use for cyber attacks.

The Role of Cybersecurity in Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is often associated with cryptocurrency transactions because it is a more secure method of sending protected, secure transactions. However, what many don’t know is that blockchain can also be used for business purposes to send protected, more secure communications that are safer than traditional networks. So how does cybersecurity play a role in current blockchain technology?

The Role of Cybersecurity in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are on the rise post-COVID-19, as ongoing digital transformation has more companies acquiring others to enhance existing capabilities, reach new markets, or reduce competition. While mergers and acquisitions already involve many factors contributing to their risks and impacting the decision-making process, the evolving cyber threat landscape makes this even more complex.

How to Identify Vulnerable Third-Party Software (Quickly)

Third-party software security risks are on the rise, and so are the significant cyberattacks they facilitate. According to a CrowdStrike report, 45% of surveyed organizations said they experienced at least one software supply chain attack in 2021. In 2023, the average number of SaaS apps used by each company is 130 - a 5x increase compared to 2021.

The Impact of Social Media on Cybersecurity

Businesses of all sizes have leveraged the power of social media to increase brand awareness and connect with consumers, both locally and globally. However, the rapid growth of social media use has left businesses unaware of the many cyber risks associated with social media. While some individuals or businesses may be familiar with common cyberspace security issues, businesses must understand social media’s impact on cybersecurity on both a personal and consumer level.

How Do You Mitigate Cyber Risks in Healthcare?

Healthcare is one of the most targeted sectors due to the large amounts of valuable patient data, medical records, and protected health information (PHI) that institutions handle. Additionally, the healthcare sector and its service providers are notoriously slow at adopting new technology, making them particularly vulnerable to external cyber attacks.

How Do You Perform a Supplier Risk Assessment?

When choosing a supplier to partner with, organizations need to perform their due diligence and assess the cyber risks associated with each particular supplier using risk assessment evaluations. Part of the supplier lifecycle management process includes ensuring that these third parties are meeting minimum security requirements, maintaining strong cybersecurity programs, and adhering to all relevant compliance regulations.

Developing a Culture of Cybersecurity Within Your Organization

Building a cyber-resilient organization requires more than implementing the best cybersecurity practices. Cybersecurity must be woven into the culture of the organization from the top down. Because 95% of data breaches result from human error, creating a cybersecurity culture can significantly cut down on security breaches by emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is only as strong as its weakest link.