Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2023

How do you Monitor and Manage a Network Without Borders?

There are only two options for managing a global multi-cloud network: either by using a combination of inference, hope, and intuition or with mathematical certainty. When conducting 5 million financial transactions daily, it’s essential to operate with certainty, regardless of your network’s size or geographical distribution. Auditors don’t accept inferences; they demand certainty when determining compliance, and a poor audit can be disastrous for the business.

Why Should SecOps Pay More Attention to Network Data?

Trying to convince SecOps teams they need more data is like trying to convince a drowning person they need more water. SecOps teams are so overwhelmed they can’t even respond to 67% of the alerts they receive. On average, SecOps teams receive 4,484 alerts per day and spend over three hours per day manually triaging the alerts, costing $3.3 billion annually in the US alone.

A Decade of Forward Thinking

According to Forbes, 90% of startups fail. According to the Harvard Business Review, the number is closer to 70%, but whichever number you choose to believe, the odds are still staggeringly stacked against young new ventures. At Forward Networks, we just had a terrific time two weeks ago celebrating the company’s 10th anniversary. Ten years is impressive by any measure, but especially so in the cutthroat universe of Silicon Valley tech startups.

Forward Networks is now SOC 2 Type 1 Compliant!

It’s hard to imagine that there are upwards of 100 billion devices connected to each other today. Many of these devices are terrestrial; however, more and more devices are being brought online across the sky, sea, and space. As complexity grows, we need to ensure we have the right level of automation in place to keep everything running smoothly. One of my first goals at Forward Networks was to echo what we are already doing publicly – building a secure product in a secure environment.