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September 2024

Critical Infrastructure Under Siege: Safeguarding Essential Services

Our world is more digitally connected than ever, including the critical infrastructure systems we rely on: power grids, water treatment plants, transportation networks, communication systems, emergency services, and hospitals. A successful attack on critical infrastructure can have dire consequences, ranging from widespread power outages and contaminated water supplies to economic downturns and societal disruption. Some of those consequences have come to fruition in recent years.

It's Time to Press Play on the AI Pause: Data Security Insights for a New Era

This past summer was the first time I watched the Olympics since moving to the U.S. Besides appreciating the sheer greatness of the American Olympic spirit, there was also another thing that could not go missed - AI! Filling up every commercial slot seemed to be AI. And mainly, the commercials focused on harnessing AI for business productivity and operations. No matter your take on the greatest Olympic moment or greatest AI commercial, one could not overlook this overwhelming trend.

A Complete Guide to Security Ratings

Security ratings are a data-driven, dynamic measurement of an organization's cyber security performance that can be used to understand and influence internal and third-party cyber risk. Sometimes referred to as cybersecurity ratings, these quantitative metrics give security teams a simple indicator of security performance across their own organization, as well as the security posture of the third-party organizations they rely on.

Cloudy with a chance of breach: advanced threat hunting strategies for a hyperconnected and SaaSy world

When workloads moved to the cloud, a huge burden was lifted from the enterprise in infrastructure and operational overhead. This transition also brought with it the “shared responsibility” model, where cloud providers took on much of the responsibility previously relegated to expensive engineering teams.

How Cloud Computing Enhances Cybersecurity Strategies

Cloud computing for the purpose of cybersecurity can be more useful than ever. Many businesses around the world are becoming more reliant on the technology for the purpose of scalability and cost-effectiveness when it comes to data storage. Yet, using it for cybersecurity purposes might give them a better chance to protect even the most sensitive data that must be protected in the first place. This guide will take a look at what cloud computing and cybersecurity can provide when they work together. Let's discuss everything you need to know right now.

6 Technical Testing Skills that you know about Automation Tester

In this ever-growing world of software development, the role of an automation tester has been increasing rapidly. An automation tester is the one who is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining automated testing procedures and frameworks. They do this by using special tools to automatically test the programs for any problems.

What Does a Third-Party Breach Look Like?

In the past few years, third-party cyber attacks have imparted financial and reputational damage to every sector, from banks to healthcare systems to governments. The average cost of a third-party data breach in 2021 was $4.33 million, according to a report from IBM and the Ponemon Institute. While CISOs are well aware of the potential supply chain devastation from attacks, preventing them has been a challenge. In this white paper, we'll walk through three third-party breach scenarios, including real-world examples, offering practical solutions to prevent such attacks.

Building Trust in the Supply Chain with Cyber Resiliency

When it comes to designing or improving upon your organization's security program, one key area to focus on and include is cyber resilience. Either as a complementary stand-alone program or embedded into an existing cyber defense program, cyber resilience refers to a company's ability to continue business operations and outcomes in spite of cyber attacks or events.

Detect, Deflect, Protect: The Story of Third-Party Cyber Risk Management

Your business is your castle. Once upon a time, you could keep it safe by constructing strong walls, posting a few guards at the door, raising the drawbridge, and digging a deep moat around it. That's now the stuff of fairy tales. Today's networks simply can't be locked down due to the nature of business itself. The perimeter that was once contained to a single building now spreads as far as your furthest third-party connection or remote employee. And while your business benefits from this greater flexibility and increased operational efficiency, so do the cybercriminals.