Introducing Workbench | Product spotlight

Introducing Workbench | Product spotlight

Sep 17, 2024

In this webinar, Rosie Halpin, Product Manager, introduced Workbench, the new Tines-powered AI chat interface. Workbench was purpose-built to power real-time orchestration across your work (in Tines or any other system) in a secure and private way.

What we covered:

  • Maintaining AI that is private and secure by design
  • Using Workbench to access real-time information from across your entire stack
  • Taking action directly from Workbench, without switching screens

We're excited to share more about how we’re continuing to invest in AI that makes teams more compliant, secure, and better connected as a business – all without increasing your risk. Watch the webinar to learn more about bringing your tools, teams, and systems together with Workbench.