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Driving the Cybersecurity Agenda with the C-Suite and Boards

Veracode CEO Sam King joins the Advanced Cyber Security Center, the Boston Globe’s Jon Chesto, MassMutual CISO Jim Routh, and State Street CTRO for a fireside chat about the strategic role the C-suite and corporate boards play in cybersecurity. Sam describes why communication between the board, the C-suite, the CISO, and the security team must be frequent to add value from both a governance and compliance perspective.

Install Veracode for VS Code to Run IDE Scans

In this video, you will learn how to install the Veracode for VS Code extension. The Veracode for VS Code extension is available from the Visual Studio Marketplace. The Veracode IDE Scan finds security defects in your code in seconds so you can fix the findings directly in your IDE. Veracode for VS Code is an extension to Visual Studio Code, which performs a Veracode IDE scan at the file level, and supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and C#.

Veracode State of Software Security Vol. 11

Veracode, the largest global provider of application security testing (AST) solutions, announced the State of Software Security (SOSS) Volume 11 revealing 76% of applications contain at least one security flaw and fixing those flaws typically takes months. This year’s analysis of 130,000 applications found that it takes about six months for teams to close half the security flaws they find. Watch as Veracode's Chris Eng and Tim Jarrett break down the key findings from SOSS 11, with specifics on what's within developers' control as they seek to improve the security of their applications.

The Devil's in the Dependency: Data-Driven Software Composition Analysis

We all know that lurking within even the most popular open source packages are flaws that can leave carefully constructed applications vulnerable. In fact, 71% of all applications contain flawed open source libraries, many (70.7%) coming from downstream dependencies which might escape the notice of developers. Using graph analytics and a broad data science toolkit, we untangle the web of open source dependencies and flaws and show the best way for developers to navigate this seemingly intractable game of whack-a-mole.

Install Veracode for VS Code to Run Greenlight Scans

In this video, you will learn how to install the Veracode for VS Code extension. The Veracode for VS Code extension is available from the Visual Studio Marketplace. Greenlight finds security defects in your code in seconds so you can fix the findings directly in your IDE. Veracode for VS Code is an extension to Visual Studio Code, which performs a Veracode Greenlight scan at the file level, and supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and C#.

Can SAST tools improve developer productivity?

Organizations are increasingly agile today, producing and deploying software applications faster than ever before. But this requires all the elements in the software development life cycle (SDLC) to work together cohesively. Security practices in the SDLC become especially important, given that more than half of security flaws result from preventable coding mistakes. Ensuring that developers are on board with security practices is even more critical to improve the process efficiency.

Black Box Testing: What You Need to Know

Today’s software development life cycle includes a variety of quality and security testing techniques at every stage. Frequent testing throughout the DevOps pipeline is imperative considering the ever-increasing pace of development. One of the most common testing methods that companies use to ensure the products they are pushing out are secure and high-quality is black box testing.