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IoT Cybersecurity Act successfully signed into law

The IoT Cybersecurity Act, which aims to reduce the supply chain risk to the federal government arising from vulnerable IoT devices, was recently passed into law, and its effects are expected to carry over into private enterprise. Critics felt the law was long overdue: as found in the Nokia Threat Intelligence Report 2020, IoT devices are now responsible for 32.72% of all infections observed in mobile networks, representing an increase of 16.55% since 2019 alone.

Announcing Veracode in AWS Marketplace: Streamlining Secure Software Development for AWS Customers

Digital transformation continues to accelerate, and with it, businesses continue to modernize their technological environments, leveraging developer-first cloud-native solutions to build, host, and secure their software. At Veracode, we continue to see customers leveraging large cloud providers, such as AWS, as a central platform to conduct these activities.

Mobile interface make it easy scammers to phish you

With a smaller screen, developers are forced to create simplified interfaces on your tablets and smartphones. But this also makes it easy for scammers to hide telltale signs of a phishing link. Aaron Cockerill and Mike Banic of Lookout talks about why we're more vulnerable to phishing when using a mobile device.

Top 7 API Security Risks (including prevention tips)

In this app-driven world, APIs are the infrastructure providing highways for ensuring smoother transport of sensitive data. Insecure APIs add to top security risks faced by web applications and act as an easy invite for hackers. Just because APIs deal with data at the backend does not mean they are hidden from the plain view and are safe. This article provides you an API security checklist that can be used as a basic benchmark before the release.