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Penetration Testing Services: what to look for in a pen test provider

These days computers and the software that operate upon them touch practically every part of our professional and personal lives. The information they store, process and transmit is the foundation upon which businesses are built, how customer experiences are delivered, and how we find the best takeout food in our immediate area. So why is it so hard to keep them highly secure?

Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM overview

Sumo Logic's Cloud SIEM solution provides security analysts with enhanced visibility to seamlessly monitor their on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud infrastructures and thoroughly understand the impact and context of an attack. In addition to supporting a wide spectrum of security use cases, including audit & compliance, Sumo Logic fused analytics and SOC automation to perform security analyst workflows and automatically triage alerts—increasing human efficiencies and enabling analysts to focus on higher-value security functions.

Human Layer Security Live - Quantifying human risk: The first step to a secure future - Ed Amoroso

Ed Amoroso, CEO at TAG Cyber LLC and former-CISO at AT&T Research shows sensitive data is put at risk due to email usage every 1.5 days – but in reality, this figure is much higher. That’s because more than half of CISOs rely on employees and their recipients to report email data breaches, despite this approach being inherently unreliable. As a result, CISOs are unable to accurately measure insider risk and deploy technology to properly mitigate it.

UAE's Information Assurance Regulation - How to Achieve Compliance

For years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has committed itself to adopting information technology (IT) and electronic communication. The UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) noted that this policy has made the state’s government agencies and organizations more efficient as well as has improved the ability for individuals to collaborate around the world.

Threats That Data Analysis Can Protect You From

In our latest post we’re covering a range of the different kinds of problems and threats data analysis can help protect your business from. We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in big data, cybersecurity and tech to shed light on some of the practical applications of using data analysis for protecting your operations.

Three stages of IT security where you can implement CARTA (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment): Run, Plan, Build

CARTA (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment) is a novel and efficient approach to the IT security that aims to offer additional context for the cybersecurity professionals when they are making a decision. Keep reading to learn more! CARTA (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment) was introduced in 2017 by Gartner. Being around for only 3 years, CARTA offers a strategic and efficient approach to the IT security.

Remote, Hybrid Work Need Better Data Security

2020 is a uniquely transformative year. Prompted by a global pandemic, we’ve been forced to change many things about how we live, work and relate. For most businesses, this means a rapid and comprehensive shift toward remote work. While more than half of all employees participated in a rapid transition to remote work, it’s clear that this is more than just a temporary change.