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What Healthcare Providers Should Do After A Medical Data Breach

Healthcare data breaches are on the rise, with a total of 809 data violation cases across the industry in 2023, up from 343 in 2022. The cost of these breaches also soared to $10.93 million last year, an increase of over 53% over the past three years, IBM’s 2023 Cost of a Data Breach report reveals. But data breaches aren’t just expensive, they also harm patient privacy, damage organizational reputation, and erode patient trust in healthcare providers.

4 "Low-Priority" Online Threats That Can Inflict Serious Brand Damage

Companies constantly face a multitude of threats online. Understandably, there is no way for them to deal with all of the attacks given their limited resources and the time-consuming nature of continuous threat detection and prevention. As such, some threats are prioritized over others, depending on their urgency. This leads to threats being classified as “low-priority”, especially when it comes to brand protection.

CVE-2024-30078: Patch Your Wi-Fi Now!

The relentless battle against cyber threats continues, and CVE-2024-30078 stands as a stark reminder of the ever-present need for vigilance. A critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-30078) has been identified in Wi-Fi drivers for various Microsoft Windows versions. This flaw allows attackers within Wi-Fi range to remotely execute malicious code (RCE) on vulnerable systems. Immediate patching is recommended.

2024 Cyber Resilience Research Unveils Healthcare Sector Challenges

New data illuminates how healthcare leaders can prioritize resilience. Organizations find themselves at the intersection of progress and peril in the rapidly evolving digital healthcare landscape. The latest data underscores that the trade-offs are significant and pose substantial risks to healthcare institutions. One of the foremost obstacles is the disconnect between senior executives and cybersecurity priorities.

Digital Forensics in the Age of Cryptocurrency: Investigating Blockchain and Crypto Crimes

The rise of cryptocurrencies has introduced a new frontier for criminals, presenting unique challenges for investigators. Unlike traditional financial transactions, cryptocurrency transactions are pseudonymous, meaning identities are obscured by cryptographic addresses. This, coupled with the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, necessitates specialized techniques and tools for digital forensics in the age of cryptocurrency.

Building a Robust Defense-in-Depth Architecture for Digital Transformation

Today's businesses are transforming through integrating IT and OT environments, a shift that's enhancing efficiency and unlocking new operational capabilities. Key functionalities like remote access and telemetry collection are becoming increasingly central in this digitally integrated landscape.

Deep Dive into Blockchain Security: Vulnerabilities and Protective Measures

Blockchain technology, renowned for its decentralized and immutable nature, promises enhanced security for various applications. However, like any technology, it is not without vulnerabilities. This in-depth examination explores the security aspects of blockchain, identifies common vulnerabilities, and outlines the measures needed to secure blockchain applications effectively.

Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape: A Deep Dive into Effective SIEM Strategies

Comprehending and effectively addressing cybersecurity threats is paramount to organizational security. As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, how companies respond to cybersecurity threats and how they take proactive steps to mitigate them will factor heavily into profitability, reputation and long-term success.

Regulatory Compliance and Ransomware Preparedness

Ransomware attacks are a huge problem: in the past five years alone, they have brought about a state of emergency across vast swathes of the United States, threatened to topple the Costa Rican government, and brought Portugal's largest media conglomerate to its knees. And ransomware attackers show no signs of slowing down: last year, roughly one-third of all data breaches involved ransomware or some other extortion technique.