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Navigating Cyber Landscape of Connected and Autonomous Cars

In recent years, various attacks have been performed to highlight security concerns about evolving smart cars. In particular, remote hacks took a lot of attention in 2015 when two security researchers hijacked the car’s infotainment system and demonstrated how to manipulate smart car functions. Such attacks elevate the risks associated with the smart car systems and indicate that there have to be diligent measures taken before rolling out these vehicles on the road.

Security in Go Modules and Vulnerabilities in GoCenter at GoSF Meetup in San Francisco

Deep Datta from the JFrog Community Team shares his learnings about Go 1.13 introducing important security features to Go Modules including a checksumdb. He explains how this works and provides information on other tools in GoCenter that keep modules secure include vulnerability scanning and Jfrog Xray.

24/7 threat protection - running a Security Operations Centre

A modern dynamic business needs to be proactive about their cyber security. A data breach can be costly, with latest estimates said to be (on average) £3.18 million, and reputational damage can be even harder to recover from. Hackers can strike at anytime from anywhere in the world, which means businesses have to be on guard 24/7. This is where the Security Operations Centre (SOC) comes in.

Weekly Cyber Security News 28/02/2020

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Such a wonderful selection to pick from this week, but of course, my favourite are IoT fails. While most are quite ridiculous and generally limit the risk, a new product on the market has elevated the risk of serious damage by introducing the remote control of real fire!

Healthcare A Growing Cyber Sickness

Healthcare data breach statistics clearly show there has been an upward trend in data breaches over the past few years, with 2019 seeing more data breaches reported than any other year According to Black Book Market Research, 96% of IT professionals believe cyber-attackers are outpacing the security capabilities of medical organizations. As a result, organizations must implement healthcare data security solutions that will improve patient care while protecting important assets. Schedule a demo today, and stay cyber assured.

How to record, log and audit any Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware Horizon, and Citrix session with EKRAN

Ekran System® can help you to organize virtual desktop monitoring and user session recording in environments like VMware Horizon, Microsoft Hyper-V, or Citrix. In addition to Citrix session recording, Ekran System delivers a comprehensive set of identity and access management features, real-time alerting, and incident response tool sets.

Beware secret lovers spreading Nemty ransomware

Digital attackers are sending around love-themed malicious emails in an attempt to infect recipients with the Nemty ransomware. If you’ve been kicking around in the world of IT security for more years than you’d like to admit, then you’ll surely remember the ILOVEYOU virus (also known as the “Love Bug” or “Loveletter”).

What is a Data Breach and How It Can Be Cured? (Part 2)

There are several types of data or information that can be leaked during a data breach. This include: Though hackers are fast and sophisticated in their operations, nevertheless, some best practices and efficient security tools can help organizations and individuals contain this problem. Here is some help.

How to Stop Phishing Attacks: Lessons Learned From the JPMorgan Chase SOC Team

Phishing attacks aren’t going away anytime soon. The numbers from Verizon’s 2019 DBIR Report and SANS Institute prove only one thing: When you’ve done all you can to protect against phishing attacks, that means it’s time to do more.

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The Relationship Between Risk Management and Process Improvement

In today's highly competitive world, businesses need to adjust to changes quickly. Any change in organizational structure, customer preference, competitor strategy, regulatory requirements all pose uncertainties to a company. If you want to remain ahead of the curve, you need to adopt a risk management plan and focus on the continuous improvement of your processes.