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Understanding RockYou.txt: A Tool for Security and a Weapon for Hackers

In the realm of cybersecurity, the RockYou.txt wordlist has become a household name. It’s a tool used by security professionals to test the strength of network security. However, like many tools in the digital world, it can also be misused by malicious actors. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the history of RockYou.txt, its uses and how to protect your organization from potential threats associated with it.

What To Do if You Are a Victim of Credit Card Fraud

If you discover you are a victim of credit card fraud, start the recovery process by notifying your credit card issuer, placing a fraud alert on your credit report, freezing your credit and contacting the three major credit bureaus. However, before taking these steps, you should determine if you are in fact a victim of credit card fraud.

How To Prevent Your Instagram from Getting Hacked

Unfortunately, Instagram is a common target for malicious hackers. Cybercriminals hack accounts in order to distribute spam, commit phishing attacks against your followers and steal your data. There were more than 1 million social media account takeovers in 2022, and most of the affected accounts were on Instagram.

What Is a Good Way To Manage Several Passwords at Once?

A good way to manage several passwords at once is by using a password manager. A password manager is a tool that aids users in creating, managing and securely storing all their passwords and sensitive data. Continue reading to learn the importance of managing passwords and how you can manage several passwords at once with a password manager.

What Is a 2FA Code?

A 2FA code, which stands for two-factor authentication code, is a form of Mutli-Factor Authentication (MFA) that requires a generated code as an additional verification factor to a username and password. For example, when logging in to an account, instead of solely entering your credentials, you would also have to provide a second method of verification by entering a code from an authenticator app or one that is sent to your phone.

What Is Scareware?

Scareware is a type of social engineering cyberattack that uses psychological manipulation to trick victims into downloading malware disguised as antivirus software. Cybercriminals trick users with frightening, urgent messages in pop-ups or emails which claim their computer is infected. Continue reading to learn how scareware attacks work, how to avoid falling victim to them and how to remove scareware from your devices.

Keeper Security Government Cloud: Trusted Protection for Texas Agencies With TX-RAMP Certification

Texas State agencies, educational organizations and municipalities face relentless cyberthreats from malicious actors. These attacks jeopardize sensitive information and disrupt essential services. TX-RAMP serves as a program that aids agencies in enhancing their overall cybersecurity posture. Selecting a TX-RAMP Certified solution for password and privileged access management will help organizations of all sizes defend against cyberthreats.

BreachWatch vs LifeLock: Comparing Dark Web Monitoring Tools

The main differences between BreachWatch® and LifeLock are the type of protection they offer, the cost of each solution and the features they have. Continue reading to learn how BreachWatch and LifeLock compare, and how to choose the right dark web monitoring solution for yourself.

What Is Shoulder Surfing?

Have you ever wondered why PIN pads at grocery stores often have a protective shield surrounding the buttons? It’s to prevent an attack called “shoulder surfing.” Shoulder surfing is a method of information theft in which the perpetrator watches the victim from nearby to see any information they type or view on their screens. Keep reading to learn why shoulder surfing is a threat to cybersecurity and how to protect your private information from this form of attack.