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Where Should We Draw the Cyber Blue Line?

What are the limits of online privacy and law enforcement? Can we clearly define them, or is this a vague and blurred area of debate? The fact is that as technology advances, the real and the virtual worlds are increasingly converging. Actions (or inactions) in the cyberspace introduce risks and threats for people, especially the most vulnerable ones, i.e. children and elders.

My "Cybercrime" Isn't Your "Cybercrime"

Talk to cybersecurity experts about cybercrime on their network, and they will mention malicious activity like scans, attacks, events, and incidents. Probably at some point, they will slip into geek-speak with a vast array of confusing acronyms and jargon while explaining tactics and techniques by referencing infamous attacks, Internal protocols, and industry shorthand.

Microsoft warns of a Windows zero-day security hole that is being actively exploited

In a security advisory, Microsoft has warned that malicious hackers are exploiting an unpatched vulnerability in Windows to launch targeted attacks against organisations. The security hole, dubbed CVE-2021-40444, is a previously unknown remote code execution vulnerability in MSHTML, a core component of Windows which helps render web-based content. According to Microsoft, attacks exploiting the vulnerability have targeted companies via boobytrapped Microsoft Office documents.

IoT Devices Built to Meet Cybersecurity Needs

The Internet of Things (IoT) includes items such as smart appliances, smartwatches, and medical sensors. For organizations to enjoy all of the benefits and convenience of IoT devices, enterprise customers must fully understand the potential risks and threats to their systems and the underlying data. IoT devices often lack built-in security controls, a situation which creates risks and threats for federal agencies and consumers.

What Is Log Management and Why you Need it

To remain competitive in the digital age, organizations frequently introduce new hardware devices and software installations to their IT environments. The problem is that these assets might suffer from vulnerabilities that attackers could misuse, if unpatched, to change a device’s configuration or make unauthorized modifications to some of the organization’s important files.

Identity and Access Management - Who You Are & Where You Need to Be

Remember your first day on the job? You might groan just thinking about it, or maybe you are filled with the optimistic nostalgia of all the great things you set out to accomplish. It’s all a matter of your current perspective. One of the greatest apprehensions about that first day is meeting all of your new colleagues. Someone probably gave you a tour of the office, introducing you to all the new faces, as you wondered how you will remember all the names.

Data Breaches: A Chance for Opportunistic Scammers & What You Should Watch for

Data breaches are now part of doing business, with many companies having been affected. Data is very valuable to criminals because it is often used to commit fraudulent activities as well as to enhance the credibility of scams. Data that is stolen ranges from Social Security Numbers (SSNs) to other identification documents and payment details.