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Salesforce Monitoring with Tripwire Configuration Manager

You may already know that Tripwire Configuration Manager can audit your cloud service provider accounts like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, but did you know it also has capabilities to monitor other cloud based software services such as Salesforce? Salesforce is a popular customer relationship management (CRM) service with rich configuration options that could lead to unintended risks if it is improperly configured.

Analysis of 80 million ransomware samples reveals a world under attack

Google has released a report taking a close look at the more than 80 million ransomware samples uploaded to its VirusTotal service in the last year and a half. Each day, approximately 150,000 ransomware samples were analysed by the free VirusTotal service after being submitted by suspicious computer users, and shared with the security community to enhance their threat intelligence and improve anti-virus products.

Windows 11: Registry Keys, SMB Protocol, and SystemInfo

Windows 11 was released on October 5, 2021. It has several new installation requirements including, most notably, Secure Boot and a Trusted Platform Module. These features can provide a more secure computing environment, but if you need to virtualize a Windows 11 environment, you will need virtualization software that supports this.

CIS Control 08: Audit Log Management

Audit logs provide a rich source of data critical to preventing, detecting, understanding, and minimizing the impact of network or data compromise in a timely manner. Collection logs and regular review is useful for identifying baselines, establishing operational trends, and detecting abnormalities. In some cases, logging may be the only evidence of a successful attack. CIS Control 8 emphasizes the need for centralized collection and storage and standardization to better coordinate audit log reviews.

Public Sector Cyber Security beyond the PSN

Recording of a Tripwire Q&A with Gary Hibberd, Professor of Communicating Cyber at Cyberfort Group. As ransomware attacks increase we discuss how the threat is only set to increase as attacks become increasingly sophisticated and government organizations and public bodies in the UK wrestle with the challenges and complexities of migrating securely from the PSN.

Contextualizing the Ransomware Threat Confronting OT Environments

Back in early June, the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published a fact sheet discussing the rising threat of ransomware to operational technology (OT) assets. This development raises several questions. Why is ransomware a threat to OT environments? And what can organizations do to protect their OT assets against ransomware?

The Changing Role of the CISO

Back in the early days of networking, many companies assigned all of the responsibilities to anyone who showed any aptitude towards operating a computer. In many companies, this was an accountant or someone else who also managed sensitive financial information. The assumption was that the person managing the corporate books was the most trustworthy person in the organization.

Ransom disclosure law would give firms 48 hours to disclose ransomware payments

Organisations who find their networks hit by a ransomware attack may soon have to disclose within 48 hours any payments to their extortionists. That’s the intention of the Ransom Disclosure Act, a new bill proposed by US Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Deborah Ross.

CIS Control 07: Continuous Vulnerability Management

When it comes to cybersecurity, vulnerability management is one of the older technologies that still play a critical role in securing our assets. It is often overlooked, disregarded, or considered only for checkbox compliance needs, but a proper vulnerability management program can play a critical role in avoiding a series data breach. CIS Control 07 provides the minimum requirements, table stakes if you will, for establishing a successful vulnerability management program.

Analysis of a Parental Control System

Canopy was advertised to me through my child’s school. The company offers a multi-platform parental control app claiming various abilities to limit and monitor use of protected devices. Access to Canopy is billed monthly and includes a compelling list of features for concerned parents: Several of these features imply that the app has privileged access to the protected device and may be intercepting TLS connections to filter content.