Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How to Cyber Security: Fuzz a tank

Defensics is a generational fuzzer, which means it creates test cases based on a detailed model of the input data. The result: test cases that are very realistic but messed up in some way. This technique is highly effective in burrowing into different control paths in the target and revealing vulnerabilities. Subjectively speaking, the test cases have high quality. The disadvantage of generational fuzzing is that somebody has to create the data model for the inputs you are fuzzing.

How to get compliance audit training in the new virtual workplace

As many businesses have begun to work almost entirely remotely until an as-yet-to-be-determined date, they have had to plan for activities that took place largely in person in the past. For example, many compliance audits have gone virtual in these times of uncertainty. This shift has forced organizations to adjust how they prepare and plan. But even in these times of uncertainty, it is your organization’s responsibility to stay sharp and on track with security knowledge, planning, and response.

6 mistakes to avoid when choosing a managed services provider

Applications support some of the most strategic business processes and access an organization’s most sensitive data. However, application security continues to receive less budget and attention than network security. Thanks to the high-profile data breaches of the past few years, we can’t blame lack of awareness for the lack of investment. Security experts and business leaders alike are now painfully aware that hackers are targeting applications as an entry point.

Code Sight IDE Plugin Combines SAST and SCA to Analyze Proprietary and Open Source Code | Synopsys

Until now, single analysis tools have given developers only a partial view of security risks – providing either static analysis of proprietary code or software composition analysis of open source. This separation often leads to undetected vulnerabilities, decreased developer productivity, and longer release cycles.

Black Duck SCA & Coverity Static Analysis (SAST) Integrations with Amazon AWS CI Tools | Synopsys

DevOps teams are rearchitecting their applications from monoliths to microservices, fueled by containerization and CI/CD. As application development moves to the cloud, security testing tools must follow. Application security testing solutions by Synopsys support the CI/CD tools you already use, including AWS Developer Tools. Coverity static analysis identifies security and quality issues in code as it is being built.

Microsoft and Synopsys DevOps Partnership: Build Secure, High-Quality Software Faster | Synopsys

Building secure, high-quality software is more challenging than ever. The bar is set high for organizations to release new features and functions without compromising the quality or security in the applications they deploy. Organizations are rapidly adopting DevOps tools and methodologies to keep up-with the demands of accelerated software delivery. They are also implementing application security testing earlier in their development workflow to develop and deploy quality code.