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Digital Identity

Dip a toe into the importance of AML and compliance for Crypto exchanges

“Never let a crisis go to waste.” It’s an expression that we’ve all heard a lot over the course of the last year. It is a reminder by Winston Churchill that in bad times that big problems often beget opportunities to do things differently — and better — next time around. No other industry as much as crypto has lived up to this quote.

Product Update: SMS TxN Extractor-The future of income proof and financial profiling

With our continuous pursuit to help businesses reduce the blind spots in business metrics, we have come up with yet another feature that will prove to be the richest source of financial data, i.e SMS TxN Extractor. SMS was believed to be a dead market until people began to understand the reliability. Apart from the concept of reliability of SMS messaging, texts are quick, cost-effective and results can very quickly be analyzed.

Digital Identity Update: Digital Identity Wallet to build a secure and seamless onboarding system for EU

From ordering groceries to paying taxes everything has taken a shift to digital platforms. If you are still not going digital, you are putting your survival at stake. With the spur in digitization, digital identification has become ‘fundamental’ to the everyday operation of online services, but a universally recognized and secure solution has been lacking ever since.

Safeguard Digital Journeys with Robust ID Verification

Even as COVD-19 slammed the brakes on in-person interactions across the globe, it simultaneously accelerated the virtualization of working models. Everything that was online was accessible; anything that was not, lagged behind. In response, companies have raced to support and retain their customers by providing digital capabilities and online experience at a speed that was previously unimaginable. As the digital economy amplifies on a global level, seamless online transactions are penetrating communities all over the world. But with this, there is a growing threat of probable frauds too.

Adoption and acceptance of Digital Identity

While the world is still more familiar with physical IDs (which may then be linked to online government records), it continues to be inadequate today, as they can be easily manipulated or purchased illegally. IDENTITY –still on a piece of paper? This needs another thought, in a world where hard copies are going obsolete. Hence, governments of different countries have taken up new projects to build a 100% secure and digitized identity by levelling up their existing systems.

Product Update: Address Net Model for Address Verification

Complex address systems and its verification have continued to be a big riddle for technology companies. Currently address verification is done manually by matching the address mentioned in the identity document with the address filled in any kind of application form filled by the customer.

Customer experience- The ultimate game changer in digital onboarding

Companies have been on a digital-first trajectory for years now, which spurred in the wake of COVID 19. A lot of companies had to bear the brunt of this catastrophe, and a lot of them survived grasping the straws of digital transformation. But the real winners of this re-ordering were the once who got an inkling that transforming digitally was just a pre-requisite, it is the ‘Customer Experience’ which will keep the ball rolling.

Product Update: IDcentrals document verification is now better than ever!

OCR is a perfect example of ‘Technology’ making human life easier. Identifying information from uploaded documents and extracting information was not as easy as it seems now. It involved a lot of manual intervention and possibilities of mistakes. Therefore, global industries are using OCR based document verification solutions to fill gaps or loopholes in manual processes.

Why is Identity Verification Necessary

In today’s highly regulated digital businesses a frictionless, and secure identity verification has become a mandate. The traditional onboarding process for new clients can be time-consuming, error prone, labor-intensive, manual process involving multiple departments within the institution. This can lead to frustrating delays for customers and can put a strain on the business relationship.