On Oct 21st, the Kubernetes Security Response Committee issued an alert that a new high severity vulnerability was discovered in Kubernetes with respect to the ingress-nginx - CVE-2021-25742. The issue was reported by Mitch Hulscher. Through this vulnerability, a user who can create or update ingress objects, can use the custom snippets feature to obtain all secrets in the cluster.
Containers have changed how applications are developed and deployed, with Kubernetes ascending as the de facto means of orchestrating containers, speeding development, and increasing scalability. Modern application workloads with microservices and containers eventually need to communicate with other applications or services that reside on public or private clouds outside the Kubernetes cluster. However, securely controlling granular access between these environments continues to be a challenge.
The ISO 27001 certification can make a difference when your business is tied with deploying cloud-native applications. Providing relevance and credibility in front of potential customers will show that your company takes security seriously, ensuring the client’s trust. We previously covered other compliance frameworks in our blog, like GDPR, HIPAA, NIST, and SOC 2. Those frameworks also show a strong commitment to security best practices.
Congratulations to the Kubespray team on the release of 2.17! This release brings support for two of the newer features in Calico: support for the eBPF data plane, and also for WireGuard encryption. Let’s dive into configuring Kubespray to enable these new features.
A problem that is often discussed in the context of policy-as-code is how to get more people other than developers involved in policy authoring. Policy as code is still code, and while tooling and abstractions can help to some extent, the process still involves at least some level of development knowledge.
Back at KubeCon North America 2017, many speakers declared that 2018 would be “The Year of the Service Mesh”. Just a year later, in the 2019 CNCF Survey1, it was reported that 18% of surveyed organizations were using a service mesh in production, and by 20202 (the most recent survey published at the time of this writing) that number rose to 27%.