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How To Use USB Blocking To Prevent Data Leaks

As digital threats evolve, safeguarding sensitive data has become more important than ever, especially for businesses using removable storage devices like USB drives. While these external devices boost productivity, they also increase the risk of data breaches if not properly managed. Unprotected peripheral ports serve as unguarded entry points for data thieves and malicious software, highlighting the critical need to secure these access interfaces.

Protecting APIs of Modern Applications

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become the backbone of modern applications. They enable seamless interaction between different software systems, allowing businesses to innovate rapidly. With the proliferation of APIs comes an increased risk of security vulnerabilities. Ensuring API security is crucial to safeguarding sensitive data, maintaining user trust and protecting the integrity of applications.

How AI Is Making Phishing Attacks More Dangerous

Phishing attacks occur when cybercriminals trick their victims into sharing personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, by pretending to be someone they’re not. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made it easier for cybercriminals to carry out phishing attacks by writing believable phishing messages, mimicking people’s voices, researching targets and creating deepfakes.

The Most Recent Credential Stuffing Attacks on Companies in 2024

So far in 2024, many major companies have fallen victim to credential stuffing attacks. Some of these notable credential stuffing victims include Roku, Okta, General Motors and Levi’s. Credential stuffing attacks occur when a cybercriminal uses stolen login credentials to attempt to log in to multiple accounts simultaneously. Since many people reuse their passwords, cybercriminals can use stolen credentials to sign in to many accounts, compromising employee, customer and organizational data.

GitGuardian's FP Remover Dramatically Reduces False Positive In Scans

Do you hate false positives in your secrets scan results? We do too. GitGuardian has introduced a whole new approach to eliminating false positives, eliminating them by around 50% so far. And we are just getting started! GitGuardian's Machine Learning experts and Secret Detection team have created "FP Remover", a new in-house machine learning model that significantly reduces false positives by understanding code context and semantics while enforcing security and privacy best practices.

Fundamentals of GraphQL-specific attacks

Developers are constantly exploring new technologies that can improve the performance, flexibility, and usability of applications. GraphQL is one such technology that has gained significant attention for its ability to fetch data efficiently. Unlike the traditional REST API, which requires multiple round trips to the server to gather various pieces of data, GraphQL allows developers to retrieve all the needed data in a single request.