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How to Use Log Analytics for Insider Threat Detection

In the world of enterprise security, most teams are laser-focused on defending organizational IT assets from external actors: cybercriminals, digital fraudsters, state-backed hackers, and other external adversaries. But data on the frequency and cost of insider attacks suggests that security teams should shift their focus toward threats that originate from inside their organizations.
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Is the Speed of AI Development Leaving UK SMEs Struggling to Plug Security Gaps?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perhaps one of the fastest evolving technologies in business today. For SMEs, it can be hard to keep up with these developments and sift through what's simply noise, and what will deliver tangible business benefits. As the UK data from our recent SME IT Trends report shows, embracing AI can help UK SMEs streamline operations, improve the admin and user experience, and stand out in a crowded marketplace. Without a doubt, choosing to ignore AI would be choosing to fall behind.

Is Upwork Legit and How To Protect Yourself?

Doing business online has become simpler with the development of the Internet and mobile technologies. In general, both freelancers and clients benefit from the freelancing platforms. Freelancers have benefited from the freedom to choose their own hours and maintain creative control, the capacity to serve various clients. The clients can scale the work from project to project, develop round-the-clock contact, and hire freelancers at a reasonable price.

More security visibility for 1Password Teams accounts with new reporting trial

It’s no secret that it’s hard to protect against what you can’t see. One of the biggest challenges facing security and IT experts is visibility into whether their team is following business security best practice – and this is especially true for small businesses.

Tick Tock.. Operation Cronos Arrests More LockBit Ransomware Gang Suspects

International law enforcement agencies have scored another victory against the LockBit gang, with a series of arrests and the seizure of servers used within the notorious ransomware group's infrastructure. As Europol has detailed in a press release, international authorities have continued to work on "Operation Cronos", and now arrested four people, seized servers, and implemented sanctions against an affiliate of the ransomware group.

Cyber Awareness Challenge 2024: Building a Culture of Security

In this digital age, where technology is so important to our daily lives, it's more important than ever to keep our online presence safe. Cyber threats are getting smarter, so you need to be cautious and know what you're doing when it comes to cybersecurity. Because this is so important, the Cyber Awareness Challenge 2024 is being held to help people and businesses develop a mindset of security.

Dark Web Monitoring Services: Protecting Your Business from Hidden Threats

There are many threats that businesses have to deal with, and some of them hide in the dark web. People who belong to this secret part of the internet are known for doing illegal things like selling stolen data, malware, and fake goods. Businesses need to put in place strong security measures to protect their private data and image. Dark web monitoring services are an important part of this process.

Don't Put Real Answers Into Your Password Reset Questions

This recent article on how a hacker used genealogy websites to help better guess victims' password reset answers made it a great time to share a suggestion: Don’t answer password reset questions with real answers! It’s not Jeopardy! You don’t have to answer the questions correctly. In fact, you’re putting yourself at increased risk if you do. Instead, give a false question to any required password reset answer.