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How Advanced Device Fingerprinting Optimizes ATO Fraud Prevention

Forget ‘billions’, fraud is now a trillion-dollar challenge according to McKinsey, with phishing, account takeovers (ATOs), and credential-based attacks driving unprecedented losses. Needless to say, this step change underlines the urgency for scam-prone enterprises to add further protective layers as part of a fraud prevention strategy that combines emerging technologies.

Integrating fuzz testing in the V-model testing process for secure software

The market of embedded computing has been growing constantly, and this trend is expected to continue in the near future. Notably, embedded systems are key components for the Internet of Things (IoT) and for Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs). In the embedded software industry, secure software development is critical. This is especially true because embedded software often involves vital industries, such as medical devices or automotive solutions.

Vanta deepens HITRUST partnership with MyCSF integration

As the security expectations of customers grow and the regulatory landscape gets more complex, businesses are recognizing the value of investing in and demonstrating security. As the demand for proving compliance grows, so does the demand for HITRUST, given its reputable assessment process. ‍ Achieving HITRUST certification involves demonstrating compliance with a detailed set of controls designed to manage and mitigate information security risks.

SOC Visibility Triad: R.I.P. or Rebirth?

The SOC Visibility Triad was defined by Dr. Anton Chuvakin at Gartner almost 10 years ago when the cloud was in its early stages. As the shift to highly dynamic, multicloud environments became mainstream over the last few years, some have argued that the “Triad” should be put to rest since it no longer can ensure the visibility needed to maintain effective security across these modern architectures.

How to Prevent and Defend Against Spoofing Attacks

In this age of computers and the internet, cyber risks like spoofing attacks are getting smarter and more harmful. Spoofing is when cybercriminals pretend to be legitimate entities, like companies, people, or websites, in order to trick people into giving up private information or doing malicious activities. Spoofing has big effects, ranging from losing money to having a bad image. Over 90% of phishing attacks happen because of email spoofing alone.

How Bots Exploit Seasonal Bot Traffic to Bypass Defenses

The battle between bots and anti-bot tools is a relentless arms race. Bot operators constantly develop new ways to outsmart defenses, and defenders adapt to counter those tactics. As one side evolves, the other quickly follows suit. This ongoing conflict has grown more intricate over the years. Initially, bots mimicked traits like browsers, IPs, user agents, and mouse and keyboard inputs used by human visitors. These tricks sufficed to bypass primitive defenses.