Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Critical Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in VMware Cloud Foundation NSX-V: CVE-2021-39144

On Tuesday, October 25th 2022, VMware disclosed a critical remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2021-39144, CVSS 9.8) in VMware Cloud Foundation NSX-V versions 3.x and older. A threat actor could perform remote code execution in the context of ‘root’ on the appliance due to an unauthenticated endpoint that leverages XStream for input serialization.

How to Secure Funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: The Deadline Is Approaching

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) includes cybersecurity and will to hand out millions to state and local governments to help them improve their security posture and ward off future cyber threats. Getting your entity’s share of the $185 million (for calendar year 2022), however, is more complicated than emailing the federal government or asking your state for some cash. With a deadline of Nov.

What Is MITRE D3FEND, and How Do You Use It?

MITRE is a world-renowned research organization that aims to help build a safer world. It is probably best known in the information security industry for being the organization behind the industry-standard CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) list. Each entry on the list is supposed to include an explanation of how the vulnerability could be exploited. These attack vectors are tracked and defined in another well-known knowledge base called ATT&CK, which is also maintained by MITRE.

SOC Talent: How to Stay Competitive in the Hiring and Retention Game

The disparities in some key areas in our 2022 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM provide clear evidence that the issues facing organizations since the start of the global pandemic in early 2020 continue to affect SOC performance, especially in the areas of hiring and retaining SOC talent.

What Is the SHIELD Act And How Do You Achieve Compliance?

On the internet, we’re all Hansel and Gretel. But the trail of breadcrumbs we leave behind when searching, posting on social media or shopping online aren’t designed to help us find our way back home. Instead, they’re designed to help the companies we interact with provide a richer, more customized and useful online experience.

Why You Need To Update Your Software | Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Have you ever watched a scary movie where a young couple comes home to find the front door cracked open or windows thrown wide, curtains billowing in the autumn evening breeze? As the couple approaches the house, the tense music swells and we grip our armrests, struck by the terrifying realization that anyone — or anything — could be awaiting them inside.

Jason Chan on Harnessing Security Automation to Manage Cyberthreat Complexity

Torq is extremely proud to have Jason Chan on our advisory board. Jason has more than 20 years of experience working in cybersecurity. He’s one of the world’s leading experts in adopting security automation, cloud security, and enhancing security in modern software development practices. Jason’s most recent career experience was leading the information security organization at Netflix for more than a decade.

Why Auto Dealers Are Prime Targets for Ransomware Attacks

It’s no secret that cyber attacks — especially ransomware attacks — are increasing across industries and organizations. Attack methods are evolving and rapid digitization, along with the rise of cloud computing and a remote workforce, are creating new threat vectors and exposing new vulnerabilities. One industry that has become a major target for attacks is the automotive industry.