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LogSentinel Next-Generation SIEM

LogSentinel SIEM is a cutting-edge next-generation Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system offering simplicity, predictability, and innovation like nobody else on the market. By leveraging the latest innovations in technology like #blockchain and machine learning, it helps organizations of all sizes and industries to eliminate their blind spots and reduce the time and cost of incident detection and investigation.

Arctic Wolf | End Cyber Risk

The cybersecurity industry has an effectiveness problem. There are thousands of vendors in the market, with over $130 billion spent annually on defense. And yet, the number of breaches continues to rise. Data breaches often occur not because a tool failed to detect the threat or alert on a vulnerability, but due to a lack of proper workflows, processes, and experienced people who know how to prioritize remediation.

Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Networking, Observability and Security Management

Managing networking, observability and security in multiple Kubernetes clusters can quickly become a major challenge. Lack of a centralized, unified multi-cluster approach results in dozens of clusters that are deployed and managed independently throughout an organization, with very little uniformity in the way they are secured. This adds complexity for DevOps teams, who must adapt to different cluster environments.

Automated Validation Scans on Kondukto

Validation scans are great for bridging the gap between software developers and security engineers. Whenever an issue is closed by a software developer, Kondukto automatically triggers a new scan to ensure that the vulnerability has been fixed. If the same vulnerability is identified again, the issue is automatically reopened by Kondukto.

Driving the Cybersecurity Agenda with the C-Suite and Boards

Veracode CEO Sam King joins the Advanced Cyber Security Center, the Boston Globe’s Jon Chesto, MassMutual CISO Jim Routh, and State Street CTRO for a fireside chat about the strategic role the C-suite and corporate boards play in cybersecurity. Sam describes why communication between the board, the C-suite, the CISO, and the security team must be frequent to add value from both a governance and compliance perspective.