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Why regulation is the cornerstone of AI development

By now, we're very familiar with the game-changing potential of AI. The rapid rise of ChatGPT has shown us just how quickly the technology has gone from concept to the palm of our hands. AI has the ability to dramatically accelerate workflows, and subsequently free up businesses to focus on strengthening their security and build customer trust. Why then is the UK's security industry so short on confidence when it comes to using it? One reason: a lack of regulation.

Upcoming Election - Cyber Risks to The Public Sector

As the anticipation builds for the upcoming election this week, the spotlight shines brightly on the critical role of cybersecurity in safeguarding the integrity of the democratic process. In a landscape where digital threats loom large, ensuring robust cyber defenses is paramount to upholding transparency, protecting voter data, and preserving the sanctity of our electoral system.

Rule tuning - supercharge Cloud SIEM for better alerts

We’ve seen the movies where the character needs to get out of a jam or needs to get somewhere in a hurry, so they mash the big button of Nitrous Oxide and boom they are off! Fast and the Furious and Boss Level are the two movies that come to mind. So, how does this relate to a SIEM or SIEM rules? Sit down, buckle up, and let’s go for a ride.

Polyfill Supply Chain Attack Impacts 100K+ Sites

On June 24, 2024, cybersecurity company Sansec published a security advisory detailing how an associated Polyfill domain (cdn.polyfillio) was being used to insert malicious code in scripts served to mobile end users in a web supply chain attack. Polyfill is a popular open-source JavaScript library embedded in more than 100,000 websites to provide polyfills, a small piece of code (usually JavaScript) that helps provide modern functionality on older browsers.

Hacked Customer Support Portal Being Used to Send Phishing Emails

A hacked customer support portal belonging to router manufacturer Mercku is being used to respond to customer queries with phishing emails, BleepingComputer reports. If a customer files a support ticket through the company’s Zendesk portal, they’ll receive an automated response that attempts to trick them into granting access to their Metamask cryptocurrency account.

Is It Safe To Accept Cash App Payments From Strangers?

Although using Cash App is a convenient way to receive money from people you already know, Cash App is not safe when receiving money from strangers. Whenever you use a payment app like Cash App, it’s always better to receive money from people you trust to avoid being scammed by a stranger. Other payment apps besides Cash App include PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay and Chime, among others.

AI Audit Logs: The Secret Weapon to Enhance Enterprise Security

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), ensuring robust security and compliance is becoming more difficult for enterprises. AI audit logs emerge as a critical tool in this mission, offering a detailed record of all activities within AI systems. By leveraging these logs, businesses can enhance their security posture, ensure regulatory compliance, and optimize AI usage. Let's delve into how AI audit logs can serve as a secret weapon in bolstering enterprise security.

Mary Calam Joins The Cyber Helpline as Trustee

Mary had a long career in the UK government, working in senior roles in a range of agencies across counter terrorism, national security and law enforcement, including the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the Serious Organised Crime Agency. Her last executive role was as Director General for Crime, Policing and Fire in the Home Office.

CISO Explains Switch from Microsoft to CrowdStrike for Cybersecurity

The CISO of a major insurance company recently switched from Microsoft to CrowdStrike for endpoint and identity security following a ransomware incident that Microsoft Defender failed to block. The following Q&A explains what happened, the fallout with Microsoft and how CrowdStrike delivered the protection, consolidation and support the CISO needed. Describe your security posture before the incident. I joined the company as CISO a few years ago.

Ransomware Attack on U.K. Health Service Laboratory Disrupts Major London Hospital Services

What likely started as a quick ransomware “smash and grab” has turned into a headline case resulting in responses from both U.K. and U.S. law enforcement. Earlier this month, several larger London hospitals suddenly had no access to lab results. It turned out to be the result of a ransomware attack on laboratory partner Synnovis that crippled hospitals and health services that rely on Synnovis.