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Rule tuning - supercharge Cloud SIEM for better alerts

We’ve seen the movies where the character needs to get out of a jam or needs to get somewhere in a hurry, so they mash the big button of Nitrous Oxide and boom they are off! Fast and the Furious and Boss Level are the two movies that come to mind. So, how does this relate to a SIEM or SIEM rules? Sit down, buckle up, and let’s go for a ride.

TeamViewer Detects Compromise

On June 26, 2024, TeamViewer published a statement disclosing they detected an irregularity in TeamViewer’s internal corporate IT environment. TeamViewer is an organization that provides remote access software for devices and is extensively utilized by businesses and individuals globally. Upon detecting the incident on June 26th, TeamViewer immediately activated their response team and procedures and started investigations while implementing necessary remediation measures.

10 important questions to add to your security questionnaire

The technology your organization uses is integral to its success. When selecting vendors, security should be at the forefront of your decision. A strong vendor review process is crucial for selecting partners that align with your company's security goals, and security questionnaires are a key step in this process.

Microsoft Warns Customers of Email Breach by Russian Hackers

In a recent security disclosure, Microsoft has warned more of its clients that Russian hackers have accessed emails exchanged between them and the company. This breach, attributed to the notorious "Midnight Blizzard" hacking group, has raised significant concerns about the security of communications with Microsoft.

Ransomware Attack on U.K. Health Service Laboratory Disrupts Major London Hospital Services

What likely started as a quick ransomware “smash and grab” has turned into a headline case resulting in responses from both U.K. and U.S. law enforcement. Earlier this month, several larger London hospitals suddenly had no access to lab results. It turned out to be the result of a ransomware attack on laboratory partner Synnovis that crippled hospitals and health services that rely on Synnovis.

OpenStack vs. Kubernetes: Building Resilient Cloud Infrastructure

In cloud computing, two platforms stand out: OpenStack and Kubernetes. OpenStack, an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platform, enables the creation and management of virtualized data centers that cater to diverse workloads. Kubernetes, a container orchestration platform, excels at managing large-scale, distributed applications, facilitating rapid deployment and scaling. The OpenStack vs.

Improving Patch and Vulnerability Management with Proactive Security Analysis

Vulnerability management is the continuous process of identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in an organization’s IT infrastructure, while patch management is the process of accessing, testing, and installing patches that fix bugs or address known security vulnerabilities in software applications. Vulnerability management and patch management are crucial SecOps processes that protect IT assets against cyber threats and prevent unauthorized access to secure systems.

Tracing Linux: A file integrity monitoring use case

Protecting mission-critical Linux machines is essential for any business. Sophisticated cyber attacks can start from a low-value target machine and pivot into high-value servers filled with sensitive information. However, many organizations face challenges when their infrastructure includes older Linux kernels that do not support modern tracing technologies.

Arizona Department of Homeland Security enhances cybersecurity with Elastic's AI-driven security analytics

The Arizona Department of Homeland Security (AZDOHS) operates in an environment that requires a robust cybersecurity strategy to protect against ever-evolving threats. With a mission to safeguard state and local infrastructures, the team at AZDOHS faced the daunting task of monitoring an expansive array of data points and potential vulnerabilities.