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Top 5 Stealer Logs Currently Affecting Users in 2024

In today's digital landscape, stealer logs have become a significant threat, targeting sensitive information and compromising security. At Foresiet Threat Intelligence Team, we continuously monitor and analyze these threats to help protect individuals and organizations. Here are the top 5 stealer logs currently affecting users.

What is a Brute Force Attack in Cybersecurity and How to Prevent it

In the world today, there is a plethora of critical data circulating the internet, leading to complex attacks like brute force attacks. Individuals who are after this data for the wrong purpose and who use brute force attacks to gain access to these data are called cyber attackers.

The Cost of Complacency: Analyzing the Financial Impact of Cybersecurity Breaches

In today’s digital landscape, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. Yet, despite the clear and present danger posed by cyber threats, many organizations still underinvest in cybersecurity, operating under a false sense of security. This complacency can be incredibly costly, as the financial ramifications of cybersecurity breaches are staggering.

CrowdStrike Windows Outage

Across the world, Windows computers have by effected the dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This appears to have been caused by an outage of services provided by cyber security provider, CrowdStrike, and has impacted a large number of organisations – from banks to airlines. According to recent announcements, “CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts,” CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz said on X.

Watering Hole Attacks: What They Are and How to Prevent Them

Hackers often lurk around the most popular websites, looking for ways to exploit users. These sites include ticket purchasing, travel, e-commerce, and banking. Watering hole attacks continue to become a genuine threat to any user who frequently visits popular sites.”Hackers use malware, browser exploits, and DNS poison to lure users into exposing their login credentials or clicking on a malicious link.” Has a watering hole attack compromised your credentials, email, or phone?

What Is an Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)?

An Endpoint Protection Platform is an endpoint security capability designed to protect systems from compromise by preventing malicious software from executing. It is important to understand that Endpoint Protection is often used in conjunction with Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), however they are not synonymous. The primary purpose of an EDR solution is to record events as they occur while also providing a means of threat resolution.

Crowdstrike Outage: Know Your Supply Chain

Knowing Your Supply Chain (KYSC) is becoming an increasingly important component of cyber resilience. Understanding the dependencies within your organization and those of your vendors is critical for responding to incidents effectively. Even the most reliable vendors and partners can experience issues. Today, a widespread outage impacted CrowdStrike Falcon, affecting the global supply chain.

How To Protect Your Home Title From Deed Theft

Nowadays, there is an increase in offensive real estate fraud, with potentially disastrous outcomes for homeowners. The practice known as deed fraud or house title theft involves an online scam for a fraudulent transfer of property ownership. Then, in order to make money, thieves can either sell the house, get a mortgage on it, or even rent it out. Home title theft can cause significant financial loss for individuals and families.