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Exploring Best Practices and Modern Trends in CI/CD

Let’s start with statistics: continuous integration, deployment, and delivery is among the top IT investment priorities in 2023 and 2024. To be exact, according to GitLab’s 2024 Global DevSecOps report, it is on the 8th place (and security is the top priority!). However, it shouldn’t be surprising, as CI/CD practice brings a lot of benefits to IT teams – it helps to accelerate software delivery and detect vulnerabilities and bugs earlier.

JumpCloud's Perspective on July's Global IT Outage

When we look back–in six months, 12 months, or even several years–at the global IT outage that severely disrupted major industries around the world, I don’t think that it will be hyperbole to say that July’s global outage is a watershed moment for IT. Just as the SolarWinds breach was security’s watershed moment, this will end up being IT’s.

Monitor the security of your Snowflake instance with Datadog Cloud SIEM

Snowflake is a fully managed data platform that enables users to store, process, and analyze large volumes of data across their cloud environments. Recently, Datadog’s Security Research Team posted a threat hunting guide to help defenders ensure the security of their Snowflake instances.

Securing Data, Empowering Innovation: A Three-Part Approach for Future-Proofing Enterprises

In the first part of this blog series, we discussed the primary data security challenges identified as most significant for c-suite respondents from our executive research. In the ever-changing landscape of modern business, harnessing the full potential of data has become imperative for enterprises aiming to future-proof their operations. However, to truly unlock this potential, organisations must critically assess their approach to data security across three vital areas.

How Salt Catches Low and Slow Attacks While Others Can't

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, API attacks pose significant threats to organizations. These attacks, particularly the low and slow variety, are notoriously challenging to detect and mitigate. Salt Security stands out as the premier solution for identifying and addressing these sophisticated threats, setting a benchmark that competitors struggle to match. Here’s why Salt Security is unparalleled in catching low and slow API attacks.

Sensitive PII vs. Non-Sensitive PII: What You Should Know

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is any data that uniquely identifies an individual. This can range from apparent details like names and Social Security numbers to more subtle information like IP addresses and login IDs. The growing volume of data collected in our digital age amplifies the significance of distinguishing between sensitive and non-sensitive PII, given their different handling requirements and associated risks.

Navigating the Minefield: Cybersecurity for Non-Profit Organizations

Cybersecurity threats cast an ominous shadow over organizations across all sectors. While the world often associates these risks with profit-driven businesses, non-profit organizations are equally vulnerable targets. And the stakes are alarmingly high. Recent data shows that about 6 cyber-attacks happen every 4 minutes and attacks like the 2022 one on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) send shivers across non-profits.

Log on as a Batch Job Rights & Security Setting

Log on as a batch job policy determines the accounts permitted to sign in through a batch-queue tool like the Task Scheduler service. When you schedule a task using the Add Scheduled Task Wizard, assigning it to run under specific credentials, that user is granted the right to log on as a batch job. At the designated time, the Task Scheduler service logs in the user as a batch job rather than an interactive user, executing the task within the user’s security parameters.

Unlocking the Power of Kubernetes Data Management: Mastering CSI and Non-CSI Snapshots for Enhanced Security and Efficiency

In the rapidly evolving landscape of containerized applications, robust data backup solutions are essential. This is particularly true in production Kubernetes environments, where data integrity and availability are paramount. This post explores the critical roles of CSI snapshots & Non-CSI snapshots in Kubernetes, and how CloudCasa by Catalogic enhances data protection and management capabilities across diverse Kubernetes deployments.