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Re-Extortion: How Ransomware Gangs Re-Victimize Victims

Ransomware has evolved significantly since its inception. Initially, these attacks were relatively simple: malware would encrypt a victim's files, and the attacker would demand a ransom for the decryption key. However, as cybersecurity measures improved, so did ransomware gangs' tactics. Modern ransomware attacks often involve sophisticated techniques such as data exfiltration, where attackers steal sensitive information before encrypting it.

Preventing SQL injection in C# with Entity Framework

SQL injection (SQLi) is one of the most severe security vulnerabilities in web applications. It occurs when an attacker is able to manipulate the SQL queries executed by an application by injecting malicious SQL code into user input fields. SQLi can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data, data corruption, or even complete control over the database server.

The Power of Security Orchestration and Automation

In today’s digital landscape, cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated. Attackers are finding new ways to breach security defenses and exploit vulnerabilities. As technology advances, so do the tactics and techniques used by cybercriminals. Gone are the days when simple antivirus software and firewalls were enough to protect against cyber threats.

Next-Gen Vulnerability Assessment: AWS Bedrock Claude in CVE Data Classification

Large language models are fascinating tools for cybersecurity. They can analyze large quantities of text and are excellent for data extraction. One application is researching and analyzing vulnerability data, specifically Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) information. As an application security company with roots in open source software vulnerability detection and remediation, the research team at found this a particularly relevant area of exploration.

8 Daily Practices to Avoid Cybersecurity Burnout

Burnout happens when job demands such as workload, time pressure, and difficult clients are high, as well as when job resources, including quality leadership, autonomy and decision authority, recognition, and strong relationships, are lacking. The field of cybersecurity is particularly difficult, but that doesn't mean burnout is inevitable, and it doesn't mean you can't recover after experiencing burnout.

Organizations Prepare for More Evolved AI-Based Cyber Attacks as Deepfakes Become Top Concern

New data on how the threat of AI in cyber crime is being seen as a growing risk provides insight into how organizations are shifting from reaction to prevention. According to endpoint security vendor Deep Instinct’s Voice of SecOps report, 97% of organizations are concerned they will suffer a security incident as a result of adversarial AI. The advent of new malicious LLM-based AI platforms are allowing cybercriminals to get their hands on sophisticated tech and create convincing deepfakes.

The Growing Threat of API Attacks and the Need for Advanced Protection

APIs are increasingly becoming the target of choice for attackers. According to the key findings stated in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for API Protection, "APIs — especially shadow and dormant ones — are causing data breaches among organizations that, on average, exceed the magnitude of other breaches.

Dark Angels Ransomware Group Scores Record-Breaking $75 Million Payday

In the ever-evolving world of cybercrime, ransomware attacks continue to be a lucrative business for cybercriminals. The latest development comes from the Dark Angels ransomware group, who have reportedly secured a staggering $75 million ransom payment from an undisclosed victim. This eye-watering sum shatters the previous record of $40 million paid by insurance giant CNA Financial in 2021, setting a new and alarming benchmark in the ransomware landscape.

Shadow APIs vs Zombie APIs - All You Need to Know

In the age of digital-first businesses, every other software solution either uses an API (Application Programming Interface) or makes one. They enable various applications and services to work together, enabling businesses to improve features, streamline user experience, and provide new exciting offerings. Unfortunately, the more APIs we collect and interact with, the more security challenges increase.

Malicious Inauthentic Falcon Crash Reporter Installer Delivers LLVM-Based Mythic C2 Agent Named Ciro

On July 24, 2024, an unattributed threat actor distributed a password-protected installer masquerading as an inauthentic Falcon Crash Reporter Installer to a German entity in an unattributed spear-phishing attempt. Subsequent analysis revealed that executing the installer with the threat actor-provided password leads to a novel execution chain in which an agent written to the Mythic command-and-control (C2)1 framework is executed as LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) bitcode.