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Creating a Secure Community of Interest (COI) for Defence & Industry Information Exchange

The secure exchange of information between the Government, Defence and the supply chain is critical to operational outcomes. A Community of Interest (COI) is often used to facilitate multi-party coordination and collaboration between these parties but is often difficult to implement. Let’s explore the use cases, challenges and tools for creating COIs for secure information exchange.

Non human Identities - Permissions, Third Party Vulnerabilities and Risk

Non-human identities (NHIs) dominate the era of cloud services and SaaS applications. They are the identities that authenticate between different servers, APIs and third party integrations to provide programmatic access to data and services. Non-human identities utilize different protocols, such as OAuth, REST and SSH.

Evolution of Scalper Bots Part 1: Origins of Scalping

In the evolving landscape of online ticketing and eCommerce, few technological developments have been as controversial as scalper bots. These automated programs, designed to purchase high-demand items faster and more efficiently than humans could, have transformed the way we buy and sell coveted goods online. During this forthcoming blog series, we are going to explore the fascinating evolution of scalper bots. We will trace their origins, developments, and impacts across several distinct eras.

How Does Child Identity Theft Happen?

Child identity theft can happen in many different ways, such as by family members, data breaches, compromised online accounts or even sensitive documents being stolen. According to a Carnegie Mellon CyLab study, children are 51 times more likely to fall victim to identity theft than adults. Child identity theft happens when an individual uses a minor’s sensitive information to open lines of credit, get loans or steal benefits under the minor’s name.

REPLAY: Revisiting Play Ransomware Anti-Analysis Techniques

The Play ransomware, also known as PlayCrypt, is a ransomware that first emerged in June 2022. The ransomware has been targeting industries such as healthcare and telecommunication as well as a wide range of regions such as Latin America, Europe, and North America. The Play ransomware is known for gaining access to networks through compromised valid accounts or by exploiting specific vulnerabilities. Once inside the network, it uses a big pool of known post-exploitation tools to continue its attack.

Mastering the Art of Cloud Governance: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, cloud computing has become an indispensable asset for organizations seeking agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. However, as businesses embrace the cloud, they must also navigate the intricate challenges of managing and securing their cloud environments. This is where the concept of cloud governance comes into play, serving as a crucial framework for establishing control, ensuring compliance, and optimizing resource utilization.

Over $40 Million Recovered and Arrests Made Within Days After Firm Discovers Business Email Compromise Scam

According to the FBI, billions of dollars have been lost through Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks in recent years, so you may well think that there is little in the way of good news. However, it has been revealed this week that police managed to recover more than US $40 million snatched in a recent BEC heist just two days after being told about it.
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Why Shadow IT Prevails for UK SMEs

Fuelled by hybrid working models, easy access to cloud services, and the evolution of AI, shadow IT continues to be a pressing issue for UK organisations. Today, business users demand access anywhere at any time using multiple devices, while they expect their confidentiality, integrity and availability to be preserved as if they were in the office.