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Detecting The Agent Tesla Malware Family

Welcome to the latest from Corelight Labs! This blog continues our tradition of picking a popular malware family from Any.Run and writing a detector for it! Trending consistently at #1 on Any.Run’s malware trends list, Agent Tesla uses multiple protocols to communicate with its C2 infrastructure, making it more difficult to detect robustly than a malware sample utilizing only one network protocol for its C2.

10 Botnet Detection and Removal Best Practices

If your device suddenly behaves like a re-animated zombie, it might be under a botnet attack. Botnet attacks, also known as zombie armies, involve hijacking internet-connected devices infected with malware, controlled remotely by a single hacker. These attacks can reach immense scales, as demonstrated by an incident where 1.5 million connected cameras were exploited to overwhelm and take down a journalist’s website.

Seeing the Unseen: Preventing Breaches by Spotting Malicious Browser Extensions

As workforce productivity increasingly depends on web-based applications, browsers have become essential gateways to the “connectivity economy.” According to recent data, 93% of desktop internet traffic in 2023 traversed through four popular web browsers.

Splunk .conf24 reflections - Federated data, resilience, and a parade of fezzes

Fresh from the recent.conf24 user conference in fabulous Las Vegas, I thought I’d share what I thought were some of the key points throughout the week. Along with admiring the traditional display of fezzes and capes throughout the week, we were excited about the great conversations with our customers, business partners, Splunkers, and, of course, the lovely Buttercup.

3 Crucial Capabilities for Effective Cloud Detection and Response

Adversaries are increasingly attacking cloud environments, as evidenced by a 75% surge in cloud intrusions year-over-year in 2023. They are also getting faster: The fastest breakout time was clocked at just over 2 minutes, according to the CrowdStrike 2024 Global Threat Report. Today’s adversaries are outpacing legacy security approaches. Disjointed point solutions can’t scale or provide visibility into a rapidly growing attack surface.

Destructive Malware: Threat Detection and Incident Response

Imagine that you have a snack you want to eat while watching a movie on a Friday night. You look in your kitchen, only to find the snack missing. Whether a roommate hid the snack or ate it, you no longer have access to it, disrupting your evening plans. This destructive behavior interrupts your weekend objectives, but it’s pretty low stakes overall.

The Future of Endpoint Protection: AI and Predictive Security

Traditional security measures, while essential, are often reactive, scrambling to respond to attacks after they've occurred. Endpoint protection stands as a critical line of defense against an increasingly sophisticated array of cyber threats. Its future lies in proactive, intelligent solutions that leverage the power of AI and predictive security to anticipate and prevent threats before they can cause harm.

The Importance of Cyber Security Services in Today's Digital Landscape

In the digital age, where almost every aspect of our lives is intertwined with technology, ensuring the security of our online presence has never been more critical. Cyber security services play a pivotal role in protecting sensitive information from cyber threats, making them indispensable for both businesses and individuals. But what exactly are cyber security services, and why are they so important?

How to secure your network from unauthorized devices with rogue device detection

Picture this: Your organization has been planning for a conference. The IT admin team needs to make sure network security is intact throughout the conference, since a secure and well-connected network defines the event’s success. But, according to a recent study by Statista, the global average cost of data breach cost between May 2020 and 2023 was $4.45 million That’s a hefty price tag for compromised data, and it highlights the critical role of robust data security measures in organizations.

SQL Server Orphaned Users - Detection and Remediation Steps

Orphaned users SQL Server arise when a database user is associated with a login in the master database that no longer exists and should be removed. This situation can happen when the login is removed or when the database is transferred to a different server lacking the corresponding login. The SQL Server logins existing on a server instance can be seen through the sys.server_principals catalog view and the sys.sql_logins compatibility view.