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Unboxing BusyBox - 14 new vulnerabilities uncovered by Claroty and JFrog

Embedded devices with limited memory and storage resources are likely to leverage a tool such as BusyBox, which is marketed as the Swiss Army Knife of embedded Linux. BusyBox is a software suite of many useful Unix utilities, known as applets, that are packaged as a single executable file. Within BusyBox you can find a full-fledged shell, a DHCP client/server, and small utilities such as cp, ls, grep, and others.

CVE-2021-37136 & CVE-2021-37137 - Denial of Service (DoS) in Netty's Decompressors

The JFrog Security research team has recently disclosed two denial of service issues (CVE-2021-37136, CVE-2021-37137) in Netty, a popular client/server framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients. In this post we will elaborate on one of the issues – CVE-2021-37136.

CVE-2020-27304 - RCE via Directory Traversal in CivetWeb HTTP server

JFrog has recently disclosed a directory traversal issue in CivetWeb, a very popular embeddable web server/library that can either be used as a standalone web server or included as a library to add web server functionality to an existing application. The issue has been assigned to CVE-2020-27304.

23andMe's Yamale Python code injection, and properly sanitizing eval()

JFrog security research team (formerly Vdoo) has recently disclosed a code injection issue in Yamale, a popular schema validator for YAML that’s used by over 200 repositories. The issue has been assigned to CVE-2021-38305.

Get Cybersmart with JFrog This October

We live in a world of increasingly connected devices – phones, digital assistants, smart watches, cars, thermostats, refrigerators, windmills, and more. More than 50% of the world’s population is now online and two-thirds own a mobile device, according to the World Economic Forum. Additionally, the codebase of today’s applications typically consists mainly of open source components – exposing them to greater risk of hacking than ever before.

The Vulnerability Conundrum: Improving the Disclosure Process

The vulnerability disclosure process involves reporting security flaws in software or hardware, and can be complex. Cooperation between the organization responsible for the software or hardware, and the security researcher who discovers the vulnerability can be complicated. In this blog we’ll look at the vulnerability disclosure process, the parties involved and how they can collaborate productively.

The Importance of Prioritizing Product Security

Achieving comprehensive security for the products delivered and deployed by organizations is becoming more difficult, due to a variety of factors. A key one is the growing volume, variety and complexity of software and connected devices in use. Another is the overwhelming risk of inherited software supply chain exposures. The result: Companies struggle every day to provide software with optimal security and protection against malicious activities, takeovers, data theft, and commercial sabotage.

JFrog Xray + Splunk + SIEM: Towards Implementing a Complete DevSecOps Strategy

Making security an intrinsic part of a DevOps pipeline is a “must-have” for organizations looking to secure their applications earlier in the development process. The combination of JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Xray enables organizations to build security into all phases of their software development lifecycle, so they can proactively detect and mitigate open source software (OSS) security vulnerabilities and license compliance issues that impact their software.

A Peek at JFrog's Iron Bank Accreditation for Xray and Artifactory

JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Xray recently underwent a rigorous hardening process to earn accreditation for inclusion in the U.S. Department of Defense’s Iron Bank, a centralized repository of digitally-signed and hardened container images. In this blog post, we’re pulling back the curtain on the process, in order to share our insights and lessons learned with our customers and with the DevOps community at large.