Oh what a difference a month makes! When we launched our new monthly open source vulnerabilities snapshot series last month, we didn’t imagine that the following post would be researched and written by an unexpectedly remote team.
If you were running a business that was not oriented to remote work, it has been completely turned upside down. Even if you were “remote-only”, it is likely going to be tough sledding for the foreseeable future given the resulting economic downturn.
As continuous software deployments grow and become the accepted standard, security measures gain even more importance. From development and all the way through to production, security requirements should be adopted by all teams in an organization. JFrog IDE integrations provide security and compliance intelligence to the developer right from within their IDE.
There’s no denying that SSH is the de facto tool for *nix server administration. It’s far from perfect, but it was designed with security in mind and there’s been a huge amount of tooling written over the years to make it easier to use. In addition, many popular products and just about every server deployment system integrates with SSH somehow.