Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

Postman Configuration for RKVST

We’re very pleased with our Python SDK, Jupyter Notebooks, and our OpenAPI Developer Console but sometimes we all want a bit more fine control or command chaining than those can offer. One of my favourite tools for such situations is, of course, Postman. It can make interacting with RKVST super quick and easy, and help you develop custom workflows for storing and validating your digital evidence ledgers.

Automate your DevSecOps to take the pressure off triage

Tools like Code Dx that support automation are the answer to faster software development delivery cadence. Automation is a key component of the secure DevOps, or DevSecOps, approach. Automation is how organizations establish security gates, and it can be used to prioritize findings and triage their remediation response.

DevSecOps uses policy to take the pressure off testing

Application Security Orchestration and Correlation uses processes and automation to help accelerate vulnerability testing and mitigation. In 2022, Synopsys commissioned the SANS Institute to investigate how firms are aligning their development, security, and operations teams with the organizational values, practices, and tools that compose the secure DevOps, or DevSecOps, approach. security: The only open DevSecOps Orchestration Platform

Reduce MTTD & MTTR with full coverage in 90 seconds. Full DevSecOps toolchain across IDE-Code-Pipeline-Cloud and Runtime. Master your DevSecOps Toolchain - Jit automates the frustrating process of selecting, implementing, configuring, and managing your Application Security toolchain (IDE-Code-Pipeline-Cloud-Runtime) in a matter of minutes until full coverage. Increase developers' adoption with Jit's native developer experience and auto-remediation capabilities.

Building smarter DevSecOps with Intelligent Orchestration

Intelligent Orchestration takes the complexity out of DevSecOps by delivering the right tests, at the right time, to the right people. The modern software development life cycle is characterized by rapid DevOps workflows and CI/CD pipelines. Facebook delivers between 50,000 and 60,000 Android builds each day. Amazon reportedly deploys new software to production every second, and the Netflix DevOps team deploys new releases 100 times each day.

Three expert tips for cultivating secure software development practices

We often hear about the importance of DevSecOps — integrating security into DevOps processes. But as many security professionals know, it’s not nearly as easy as it sounds. Cultivating secure software development practices requires working alongside developers with varying opinions, priorities, and idiosyncrasies. And any process involving humans is complicated. So, how do today’s security teams overcome these challenges and make secure software development practices a reality?