Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2022

DevSecOps code process

In the first article in this series we covered the basics. In the second article about the planning process, we covered how developers incorporate security at the beginning of their project. This article explores DevSecOps during the Continuous Integration (CI) phase of the coding process and how to protect the code from supply chain attacks, license issues, and theft. Developers are advised during planning to use secure coding best-practices during the coding process.

12 Best DevSecOps Practices Your Tech Team Should Know About

For modern IT firms, developing secure software while meeting the market speed and scale needs has always been a paradox. Because of the fear of lagging behind in terms of speed to market, more than 52% of the businesses sacrifice security. That is why adopting DevSecOps and building security into software right from the start becomes an obvious solution. Sooner or later, this strategy is going to conquer the field of software development.

Introducing the RefBOM for SBOM

Since President Biden’s Executive Order last spring, the industry has been racing to define, standardise and now produce SBOMs to describe the hundreds of thousands of software products sold to and used by federal government and beyond. So far, little thought has been given to the management of SBOMs in practice. Finding the right SBOMs for all the software an organisation relies upon can already feel like hunting for needles in haystacks.

DevSecOps Is Mainstream: New Research Finds 20x Increase in Software Security Scanning Over the Past Decade

Veracode State of Software Security report reveals the average cadence for organizations scanning apps has grown 20x since 2010. The number of apps scanned for security flaws per quarter has more than tripled over the past decade. Businesses with hands-on security training for developers fix software flaws 35% faster.