Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2021

Why DevSecOps is Going Passwordless

I talk to a lot of engineers every day. SREs. Systems Architects. Security Engineers. What I am hearing from them is that they are moving away from passwords — both in their personal lives, opting for more secure forms of authentication like biometrics and second factors, and at work. It just doesn’t make sense anymore to protect your personal bank with a second factor, but to share around an SSH key to access critical server infrastructure.

DevSecOps and Data Engineering

As security is adopted more in the shift left devsecops approach it brings with it a re-examining of the full SDLC. This is increasingly important not only as part of security policies and app handling but also ensuring the protection of infrastructure, data and end user app experiences. In this Snyk Live episode we are joined by Saman Fatima, sharing experiences around security practices and approach. Looking at DevSecOps practices like IAM and how security can apply to data engineering.

DevSecOps trend accelerates: CIOs are changing who is responsible for cybersecurity

CIOs are remaking the IT function — no longer will security and developer teams be siloed. Recent survey data from 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, and published by Elastic shows a major shift in who is using application security tools, suggesting that DevSecOps is not just an idea, but a growing reality for IT decision makers. IT decision-makers allocated application security tools to 48% of development teams in 2020, compared to just 29% in 2015.

SBOMs are the gifts that keep on giving.

The timing of CISA’s SBOM-a-rama today and tomorrow coincides with the fallout from the “vulnerability of the decade” gifting the industry with yet another example of why scaling and operationalizing the widespread use of SBOMs is so vital. Log4Shell is a 10/10 vulnerability in a hugely popular Java logging library – Log4j – used in virtually every online service. For two decades it was considered harmless, that is until last week when somebody found it wasn’t.

Glide to JFrog DevSecOps with the New Experience

We’re excited to share with you that we have launched a completely new way to start using the JFrog DevOps Platform that you – as a developer – will love. We’ve provided a super-easy, developer-friendly path to discovering how Artifactory and Xray can help you produce safer apps, faster, getting started through the command line shell and IDE that you use every day.

SBOM Sharing Should be Easy. Now it is!

Today we’re pleased to announce the RKVST SBOM Hub – the first place to find and fetch SBOMs. RKVST SBOM Hub is a secure, immutable, any-to-any framework that integrates into both publisher and subscriber workflows to massively simplify the effective sharing of SBOMs to help all parties comply with the Executive Order. Try it out for yourself here.